Los expertos en
nutrición tienen muy claro la importancia de una alimentación
rica en fibra por sus efectos benéficos sobre la salud y la
prevención de enfermedades.
¿Pero qué es la fibra?,
¿cuales son las ventajas de una alimentación rica en fibra
dietética? Para los expertos, la fibra es imprescindible en cualquier
dieta sana y
equilibrada, al ser un conjunto de sustancias presentes en alimentos vegetales,
que no pueden ser digeridas por las enzimas del aparato digestivo.
Lo cierto es que los alimentos ricos en fibra acaparan cada vez mas
presencia en el mercado. La destacada nutrióloga Ximena Muñoz
explica importancia de una dieta rica en Fibra.
“Existen dos tipos de fibra: La insoluble y la soluble. La primera no se
disuelve en agua y es posible encontrarla en alimentos como el salvado de
trigo, granos enteros y las verduras. Su principal acción en el
organismo es aumentar el volumen de las heces (deposiciones), disminuyendo el
tiempo de transito de los alimentos y las heces a través del
tubo digestivo. Como
consecuencia, este tipo de fibra, al ingerirse diariamente, facilita las
deposiciones ayudando a eliminar el
estreñimiento”, precisa la Dra. Ximena
Muñoz, nutrióloga de Clínica MEDS.
La fibra soluble, en tanto, agrega la especialista, “la encontramos en
las legumbres, la avena, la cebada y algunas frutas. Las dietas altas en fibra soluble ybajas en grasa disminuyen los
niveles de colesterol sanguíneos. Pero, ademas,
este tipo de fibra y los componentes que contiene puede regular la
absorción intestinal de los azúcares procedentes de los
alimentos”, enfatiza.
Pese a la clara importancia para nuestro organismo, la
fibra no es un componente muy presente en nuestra dieta diaria. Para la Dra.
Munoz, “el consumo debe estar entre los 20 y 35 gramos
por día, cifra que la población no alcanza a consumir. Por
eso es necesario que se aumente el consumo de frutas y vegetales y siempre que
sea posible comerlos con cascara. Incluya en las
comidas cereales integrales y productos de harina integral (pan, galletas,
fideos, etc). A ellos agregue el consumo de
legumbres, al menos una vez a la semana”, recomienda la especialista.
One of each four (24.5%) between 5 and 64 years eat junk food every week. The
people between 14 and 30 years have the highest rate and the consumption is
higher in the urban areas. Another problem is the high consumption of soda; one
of each five consume soda per day and one of each two
per week. Finally in Colombia
the consumption of candies is high. One of each 3 Colombians consumed dialy.
17.8% consume two or more times per day. The consumption is 12 percentage
points bigger in the urban areas in comparison with rural areas
2.2 Breastfeeding and supplementary feeding.
In Colombia,
96% of the women start to breastfeeding their newborns and a little bit more of
the half of the women does this practice in the first hour. In that practice
the country had an improvement in the last 5 years (2005:49% 2010:56.6%).
Nowadays the total duration in months of breastfeeding is 14
months, since 2005 that rate do not improve. The women who live in rural areas
and with a low level in SISBEN breastfeed her children more time. The introduction ofsupplementary feeding start between 6 and 8
months. In the supplementary feeding of children under 3 years the most
common foods are water, juices, agua de panela( traditional drink) and protein
sources as beef, poultry, fish, egg. The consumption of fruits and vegetables
is not common.
3. Nutritional deficiencies. The information that had National importance is
taken from the National survey on Nutritional status Colombia (2005) (2010) (ENSIN 2005)
(ENSIN 2010) and also the data that comes from the National survey on
demography and health (ENDS). In these surveys the country was divided in 7
regions. East, Central, Pacific, Bogota, Orinoco and Amazon. SISBEN levels are used and
those are related with the socio-economical capacity of the people.
3.1 Children under 5 years:
Those surveys show that the percentage of Chronical Malnutrition is about 13.2%
that in an International level is considered as low prevalence. Between 2005-
2010 the reduction was about 17%. That leaves Colombia to 5.2% percentual points
to accomplish the goal that was propose for the country in the objective of the
development of the millennium to reduce the chronic malnutrition in children
less than 5 years to 8.0%. The major proportion of chronic malnutrition are in
the people that is in the 1, 2 level of SISBEN, in children with mothers that
had less level of education and that lives in the Atlantic, Amazon Orinoco and
Pacific region. The data showsthat Colombia is in the third pace of
lower prevalence in Latin American countries.
3.2Children between 5 and 17 years:
The situation between the children of 5 years and 17 years shows an
improvement; the growth retardation decrease 28%. Nevertheless 1 of each 10
children and teenagers between at those ages has retardation in growth. The
high prevalence is in level 1 of SISBEN (13.4%), in children with mothers that
does not have education (24.1%). In the rural area the prevalence is double in
comparison with the urban area (15.2% vs. 7. 9). The departments with more
problems are located in the Pacific and Amazon region. On the other hand the
prevalence of obesity has increased a 25.9%. One of six children and teenagers
presents overweight or obesity and this relation increase with increasing the
level of SISBEN and the educative level of the mother (9.4% for mothers without
education and 26.8% with mothers with high education). In the urban area the
percentage is about 19.2% and in the rural area about 13.4%
3.2 Adults (18-64 years
An increase in the weight of adult population is obtained in the surveys. One
of two Colombians has overweight. The data shows an increase of 5.3 percentual
points (2005: 45.9% and 2010: 51.2%). Is more common in females (55 % vs 45.6%). All the levels of SISBEN show high prevalence
that is over 45%. The proportion is the same for all the departments and the
prevalence is higher inurban areas (52.5%) that are over the national mean.
3.4 Anemia
One of each 6 children between 1 to 4 years and 1 of 6 pregnant women of the
sample has anemia; this proportion is of 11% in teenagers between 13 and 17
years. Is frequently t in rural areas and in the population that is classified
in 1 and
¿Qué tipo de enfermedades podemos prevenir?
Según la Dra. Ximena Muñoz, “la
presencia de fibra en nuestro organismo ayuda a tratar y prevenir la
constipación. Es útil en el tratamiento de la
obesidad ya que disminuye la densidad calórica de la dieta y da
sensación de saciedad. Es beneficiosa, ademas, en el
tratamiento de la diverticulosis, previene el cancer de colon y las
enfermedades cardiovasculares, toda vez que reduce los niveles de colesterol en
la sangre y retarda la absorción intestinal de glucosa, por lo tanto es
muy útil también en el tratamiento de la diabetes”,