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Biografia Luis Leante

Luis Leante, nacido en Murcia en 1963, ha trabajado con muchos generos literarios, también ha escrito guiones cinematograficos que han sido adaptados al cine y traducido a muchos idiomas. Luis Leante esta licenciado en Filología Clasica por la Universidad de Murcia.

Desde 1992 vive en Alicante, donde trabajó como profesor de secundaria hasta 2009.
Publicó su primera novela, `Camino del jueves rojo´, a los veinte años.

Esta novela corta es un drama rural que se desarrolla en la posguerra española. Después, sus temas se van cambiando y los escenarios también cambian: `Paisaje con Río y Baracoa de Fondo´ se desarrolla en Cuba; `El canto del zaigú´ esta localizada en el pequeño pueblo leonés de Valderas; `La Luna Roja´, en Estambul, Múnich y Alicante. Dentro de la novela hatratado diversos géneros, desde la novela negra hasta la novela histórica: `El vuelo de las termitas y La Edad de Plata´. Sus obras tienen en común una estructura narrativa no lineal, que dan mas importancia a la forma de ir conociendo la historia que, a veces, a la propia historia. Suelen destacar en los argumentos la fuerza de los personajes secundarios, de los perdedores, personajes marginales. En 2007 ganó el Premio Alfaguara por su novela `Mira si yo te querré´.

Aunque hasta entonces había publicado una decena de libros, fue esta novela la que lo dio a conocer al gran público.

De la Guanaxia Irredenta (Cuentos); Premio General Omar Torrijos Herrera en Cuento, del Certamen del Instituto Nacional de Cultura, 1987. 
Pocas i Buenas (Antología Poética). 
La Guerra Nacional (narrativa). 
El Cantar de los Cantares y Otros Boleros, (poesía), 1993 
Teatro en y de una Comarca Centroaméricana; (Ensayo- Histórico-Crítico) 1993.
Sihuapil Tatquetsali, (novela), 1997.

Alberto Masferrer
(Vicente Alberto Masferrer Monico; Tecapa, 1868 - San Salvador, 1932) Salvadoran writer and intellectual. Controversial personality, was one of the most dynamic cultural and political life of their country and exerted a strong influence on younger generations.
The son of a Salvadoran citizen, Eleanor Monico, and a Spanish based in ElSalvador, Enrique Masferrer, his father refused at first to recognize it as an offshoot, subsequently agreed to recognize his paternity and Albert went to live in the house of his father. He received his first letter in the school of Jucuapa, and ten years old, entered college he had founded in San Salvador, the French pedagogue Charvin Augustine. In 1883 his father was sent to Guatemala in retaliation for refusing to enforce a punishment imposed on him. The young Masferrer rejected parental custody and wandered through Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, working in trades such as Chapman.
Exercised after teaching in the Nicaraguan department of Rivas, where he was sent to the island of Ometepe imparted to classes in the prison that stood there. He later moved to San Rafael del Sur, where he assumed the leadership of the School for Boys. In 1885 he moved to Costa Rica, where he remained only one year, and in 1886 returned to his native country and was a teacher at El Carrizal, where he lived for three years. In 1889 he was appointed principal of Jucuapa, the same in Masferrer himself had received his first lessons.
In 1890 he was named deputy school Sensutepeque and archivist of the Auditor General in San Salvador, two years later became director of the Official Journal and in 1900 became secretary of the National Institute, a post he left a year later, when he was appointed Consul of El Salvador in Buenos Aires (Argentina). Thus began a diplomatic career that led him to occupy the Salvadoran consulate in Santiago de Chile (1902), SanJose, Costa Rica (1907) and Antwerp (Belgium, 1910). He was a delegate of El Salvador in the Hague Conference (1912), contributor to the Second Scientific Congress held Washington in 1915, adviser to the Ministry of Education and director of the Institute Ixeles (1916).
His literary work paralleled and essays. In 1923 he became a contributing editor of the newspaper El Dia, and in 1928, in the company of writers and journalists Trigueros Alberto Guerra and Jose Bernal, founded in San Salvador the newspaper Patria, where he took charge of the editorial section and a column titled Living applauded. His journalistic work published in this journal were compiled after several years by the poet and literary critic Pedro Geoffroy Rivas, published by the publishing of the University of El Salvador. Masferrer also shone as a journalist in Chilean territory, where, under the pseudonym 'lectern', signed a humor column that appeared in the newspapers El Chileno, Santiago, and El Mercurio of Va Se ha vendido en mas de cuarenta países. También ha hecho incursiones en la novela juvenil. A pesar de haber ganado medio centenar de premios de relato, sólo ha publicado dos libros de cuentos.

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