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Detodito - Experiencia de experimentación con resortes, Descripción experimental

Experiencia de experimentación con resortes
Cesar C. Cordero Cordero, Jose Luis López Burgos, Juan Luis Rhenals Bohórquez, Oscar D. Alvarez Pérez, Rafael A. Peñata Doria.
Taller de laboratorio de físicas, Universidad de Córdoba
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La siguiente experiencia experimental consta de mucha observación y desempeño por parte de los estudiantes de primer semestre de la facultad de Física, con el fin de afianzar los conocimientos y reforzar nuestra investigación usando instrumentos de medida calibrados y garantizados por el personal autorizado y diestro en la experimentación e investigación con el uso de dichos instrumentos de medida en el laboratorio de Física de la Universidad. También se usaron herramientas tecnológicas para el trabajo de presentaciones gráficas y cálculos matemáticos de considerable complejidad.

1. Introducción
El siguiente informe daremos a conocer las implicaciones y procedimientos requeridos para la recolección de información obtenida en experimentos con resorte, cambiando o modificando algunas variables usando conocimiento obtenido en el estudio con base en la experimentación. Estos experimentos se llevaran a cabo con el uso de instrumentos tanto tecnológicos como manuales que ayudaran conseguir los resultados con mayor precisión y exactitud. Todo esto con el fin de incrementar nuestras experiencias competitivas y experimentativas midiendo nuestra habilidad para manejar experimentos que requieran de muchodesempeño interpretativo, deductivo, cognitivo y cognoscitivo dentro de área de la experimentación.

1.1 Objetivos
* Llevar a cabo experimentos usando instrumentos de alta exactitud dentro del laboratorio de física de la Universidad de Córdoba.
* Pasar informes gráficos y análisis de tipo cuantitativos obtenidos a razón del experimento.
Teoría relacionada
1.2 Palabras claves
Constante de alargamiento
Descripción experimental
El experimento de sistema masa resorte consta y requiere de del uso de instrumentos y materiales óptimos que garantizan el resultado mínimo en margen de errores:
* Regla del orden de los milímetros
* Resortes con diferentes constantes de alargamiento (3N/m)
* Base metálica para experimentos (marca psywe)
* Masas medidas minuciosamente del orden de los gramos

* Calculadora científica marca casio

* Se mide las propiedades físicas de cada una de las herramientas que experimentos.
* Colocamos loa masas descendientemente en el resorte ya montado y así se logra medir cuánto se alargó proporcionalmente con la masa aplicada.
* Tomamos los datos, posteriormente los comparamos y después de ello los graficamos usando un programa muy reconocido (origin) que nos permiten estudiar el comportamiento de las variables notando la desviación estándar (SD) correlaciones (R) el error (E) comportamientos lineales, cuadráticos y de otras formas numéricas y trigonométricas.
Como pudimos observar en el análisis preliminar del experimento. Vimos que hayun comportamiento de tipo proporcional en todas las experiencias que pudimos concluir.

27 km ring, made this solution impractical. In France, the ownership of land includes the underground volume extending to the centre of the earth, but, in the public interest, the Government can
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buy the rights to the underground part for a purely nominal fee. In Switzerland, a real estate owner
only owns the land down to a “reasonable” depth. Accordingly, the host states re-acted quickly and
gave CERN the right to bore tunnels under the two countries, effectively opening a quasiinï¬nite
site that only needed a few “islands” of land ownership for shafts. In 1989, CERN started LEP, the
world’s highest energy electron-positron collider. In 2000, LEP was closed to liberate the tunnel
for the LHC.
The LHC design depends on some basic principles linked with the latest technology. Being a particle-particle collider, there are two rings with counter-rotating beams, unlike particleantiparticle colliders that can have both beams sharing the same phase space in a single ring. The
tunnel geometry was originally designed forthe electron-positron machine LEP, and there were
eight crossing points flanked by long straight sections for RF cavities that compensated the high
synchrotron radiation losses. A proton machine such as LHC does not have the same synchrotron
radiation problem and would, ideally, have longer arcs and shorter straight sections for the same
circumference, but accepting the tunnel “as built” was the cost-effective solution. However, it was
decided to equip only four of the possible eight interaction regions and to suppress beam crossings
in the other four to prevent unnecessary disruption of the beams. Of the four chosen interaction
points, two were equipped with new underground caverns.
The tunnel in the arcs has a ï¬nished internal diameter of 3.7 m, which makes it extremely
difï¬cult to install two completely separate proton rings. This hard limit on space led to the adoption
of the twin-bore magnet design that was proposed by John Blewett at the Brookhaven laboratory
in 1971. At that time, it was known as the “two-in-one” super-conducting magnet design [1] and
was put forward as a cost saving measure [2, 3], but in the case of the LHC the overriding reason
for adopting this solution isthe lack of space in the tunnel. The disadvantage of the twin bore
design is that the rings are magnetically coupled, which adversely affects flexibility. This is why
the Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) was designed with separate rings [4].
In the second half of the twentieth century, it became clear that higher energies could only
be reached through better technologies, principally through superconductivity. The ï¬rst use of superconducting magnets in an operational collider was in the ISR, but always at 4 K to 4.5 K [5].
However, research was moving towards operation at 2 K and lower, to take advantage of the increased temperature margins and the enhanced heat transfer at the solid-liquid interface and in the
bulk liquid [6]. The French Tokamak Tore II Supra demonstrated this new technology [7, 8], which
was then proposed for the LHC [9] and brought from the preliminary study to the ï¬nal concept
design and validation in six years [10].
The different systems in the LHC will be reviewed in more details in the following chapters.
The principal references used for the technical design are the early design studies [11, 12] and the
LHC Design Report [13], which is in three volumes.

También notamos que en todos los experimentos el margen de errores fue mínimo, lo que nos garantiza la eficacia de las mediciones y una satisfacción personal al observar que nuestro arduo trabajo está encarrilado en los buenos resultados.

Análisis de resultados:
Masa nominal (gr) | Masa de medida (gr)+aˆ†m | Fuerza (Dinas)F+aˆ†F (cm/s2) | AlargamientoX (cm) + aˆ†X |
20 | 20 +0.1 | 19600+490 | 1.2 +0.5 |
40 | 40 +0.1 | 39200+490 | 1.9 +0.5 |
60 | 60 +0.1 | 58800+490 | 3.0 +0.5 |
80 | 80 +0.1 | 78400+490 | 4.0 +0.5 |
100 | 100+0.1 | 98000+490 | 5.0 +0.5 |
120 | 120+0.1 | 117600+490 | 6.0 +0.5 |
140 | 140+0.1 | 137200+490 | 7.0 +0.5 |
160 | 160+0.1 | 156800+490 | 8.1 +0.5 |
180 | 180+0.1 | 176400+490 | 9.0 +0.5 |
200 | 200+0.1 | 196000+490 | 10.0 +0.5 |


Linear Regression for Data1_B:
Y = A + B * X
Parameter Value Error
-------- ----- ------ ----- ----- -----------------
A -714,11001 1119,03597
B 19658,35326 179,96143
-------- ----- ------ ----- ----- -----------------
-------- ----- ------ ----- ----- -----------------
0,99966 1629,18275 10

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