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Site investigations and soil mechanics
A site investigation in one form or another is always required for any
engineering or bulding estructure. The investigation may range in scope from a
simple examination of surface soils with or without a few shallow trial pits,
to a detailed study of the soil and ground water conditions to a considerable
depth below the surface by means of boreholes and in-situ anda laboratory test
on the materials encountered.
The extent of the work depends on the importance and foundation arrangement of
the structure, the complexity of the soil conditions, and the information which
may be available on the behaviour of existing foundations on similar soils.
Thus it is not normal practice to sink borcholes anda carry out soil test for
single- or two- story dwelling houses or similar structures since there is
usually adequate knowledge of the required foundation depths and bearing
pressures in any particular locality.
Sufficient information to check the presumed soil conditions can usually be
obtained by examing open sewer trenches or shallow excavations for roadworks,
or from a few shallow trial pits or hand auger borings. Only if troublesome
foundation conditions such as layers of peat or loose fill material were
encountered would it be necessary to sink deep boreholes, possibly supplemented
by soil tests.
More extensive investigations for light structures are needed where there
areproblems of deep-scated swelling and shrinkage of clays or when builiding in
ground conditions where there is no information on foundation behaviour, for
example in undeveloped territories overseas where there may be climatic or
other factors which have an important effect on foundation design.
A detailed site investigation involving deep boreholes and laboratory testing
of soils is always a necessity for heavy structures such as bridges,
multi-storey buildings, or industrial plants. Even if rock is know to be
present at a shallow depth ir is advisable to excavate down to expose the rock
in a few places to ensure that there are no zones of deep weathering of heavily
shattered or faulted rock. Thorough investigations are equally necessary for
engineering structures founded in deep excavations.
As well as providing information for foundation design, they provide essential
information on the soil and ground water conditions to contractors tendering
for the work Thus, money is saved by obtaining
realistic and competitive tenders based on adequate forcknowledge of the ground
conditions. A reputable contractor will not gamble on excavation work if its cost
arnounts to a substantial proportion of the whole project; he will add a
correspondingly large sum to his tender to cover him for the unkcown
conditions. Hence the saying, ' you pay the borings wheter you have them
or not'
SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS. There are in theprevious test four pairs of synonyms and
other four pairs of antonyms. Only one member of each pair is given. Find the
other one.
1. Present/
2. Required/
(actuador): válvula
Ejemplo de sistema electrónico de control
Los circuitos electrónicos introducen en las señales
que procesan deformaciones debido a sus límites en
amplitud y frecuencia ïƒ DISTORSIÓN
Las señales también se ven afectadas porcausas ajenas a su procesado, que
añaden fluctuaciones aleatorias a su forma de
ondaïƒ RUIDO
Ruido térmico (ruido de Johnson): movimiento aleatorio
inducido en forma térmica en cualquier componente
Estrategia descendente: primero definición de los aspectos
principales del
sistema y luego entrar en los detalles.
del cliente
Diseño de nivel
Construcción y prueba
de los módulos
Especificación de
nivel superior
Selección de
Pruebas del
del cliente
Necesidad a cubrir definida por el
cliente (persona no experta s?).
Expresados en términos no técnicos
y posiblemente imprecisos.
Especificación de
nivel superior
Definición precisa de la respuesta del sistema a
todas las entradas posibles y determinación de
limitaciones en el diseño. Uso de diagrama de
La especificación determina lo que el sistema debe hacer pero de ninguna
manera define cómo ha de hacerlo.
Selección de
Técnicas analógicas, digitales o combinación de
Tipos de componentes (discretos, integrados).
Decisión sobre técnicas a utilizar para producir
las funciones descritas en la especificación
(hardware, software).
Diseño de nivel
Determinación del método general de funcionamiento. División en módulos
y especificación de cada módulo.
Diseño del detalle de cada módulo: circuitos y software.
Puesta en práctica de las especificaciones.
Construcción y prueba
de los módulos
Pruebas del
Construcción de prototipos y comprobación
de cumplimiento de especificaciones.
Realimentación con el diseño para ajuste.
Ensamble de los módulos desarrollados de forma
independiente. Comprobación de cumplimiento con
la especificación de nivel superior. Realimentación
con etapas anteriores.
4. Thus/
1. Light/
2. Shallow/
3. Simple/
4. Swelling/
Now find words in the test with a similar meaning to the ones below.
1. Adds up, totals //
2. Appropriate, suitable //
3. Containing, including //
4. Established, set up //
5. Excavate, dig //
6. Found, met //
7. Perform, excecute //
8. Perormance, response //
9. Residential //
10. Supporting, withstanding //
11. Vary, fluctuate //
give your own definitions of terms from the text
Layers /
2. Swelling /
3. Tenders /
4. Weathering /
READING COMPREHENSION. Answer the questions according to the informaton
from the text.
1. How many different types of excavation are mentioned?
2. What are they supplemented with?
3. What types of building projects only require
to dig
shallow trial pits?
4. Which projects demand deeper boreholes?
5. Which suplementary information is already available or can be used instead
of carryingout new test?
6. Why is it sometimes necessary to further investigate the soil conditions
with light structures?
7. How can we be sure that there are no zones of faulted rock?
8. Why do contractors often add a large sum to their tenders?