Consultar ensayos de calidad

Heart - homoeopathic treatment - symptoms, pathogenic and clinical


Ox-ac - Short, stitching pain in small area; numbness.
Asaf - Oppression at the heart, better from belching.
Aurum - Palpitation; rush of blood to heart and chest; anxiety; feeble,
rapid pulse.
Bell - Bubbling sensation at heart.
Cactus - Sensation as of afluid dropping from heart; as if an iron hand
were clasping the heart.
Cann-sat - Sensation as of a fluid dropping from the heart.
Colch - Oppression and anxiety about heart; can’t feel impulse of heart.
Dig - Praecordial anguish, as though dying; stitches in heart; feels as
though it would stop; great dyspnoea.
Glon - Violent throbbing of heart; action labored; palpitation.
Kalmia - Fluttering at heart, causing apprehension; palpitation, worse
from leaning forward; with difficult breathing; pain through heart
extending to shoulder-blade.
Lilium - Rapid action of heart with suffocative feeling; sensation as if
grasped in a vise; as if pressed between two flat stones; as if it would burst.
Mosch - Nervous palpitation; trembling of heart; weak pulse.

Spig - Palpitation in morning, on sitting down, on rising from bed
pulsations audible to patient, visible to others; purring noise about heart, like purring of a cat.

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