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Laboratorios - what happens in laboratories?, what types of animals are used?, what are thealternatives to animal experiments?

The government describes an animal experiment as a ‘procedure’ that is ‘likely to cause pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm’. Many experiments cause extreme suffering, often to the point of the animal’s death. Even when they are not being experimented on, animals suffer stress in laboratories where they are typically kept in barren containers or kennels. Some will be kept in solitary confinement, denied any company or comfort. After the
animals have been used in experiments they are usually killed, although many will be used in ongoing experiments over a period of months, or even years.
these animals are disposable objects who cannot suffer. Rats and mice are intelligent, inquisitive animals. They possess strong maternal instincts, and experience pain
and fear just like any other animal. They are used in horrific experiments to test pain levels and in toxicity tests, in which they are literally poisoned to death.

Around 87% of animals used in laboratory experiments are mice and rats – because they are small, cheap to house and easy to breed. Guinea pigs, rabbits,cats, dogs, primates (monkeys),birds, reptiles, pigs, sheep,cattle, chickens, horses and fish are also used. When researchers say ‘most of the animals we use are rats and mice’, it is as though they want us to believe

Researchers say they need to use animals in medical experiments to find the causes of, and treatments for, human diseases.
Drug testing
New medicines intended for people are first tested on animals in an effort to find out if they cause harmful side effects. These are called safety, or toxicity, tests.
Disease research
Researchers try to recreate human illnesses in animals so that they can study them and, supposedly, find cures. Animals are infected with lethal viruses, given cancer, surgically mutilated and injected with toxic chemicals to induce or mimic the symptoms of human diseases. To induce artificial strokes in rats, cats and monkeys, researchers block arteries in their brains. Monkeys are
often deliberately brain damaged, supposedly to find cures for human diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Other animals are deliberately driven mad so that they can be used to study conditions such as depression and schizophrenia.


’In vitro’ tests: Scientists can examine human cells or tissues in test tubes in order to study disease, test drugs and manufacture vaccines. Every human cell type can
now be studied in vitro.
Computer models: These can be used to screen potential drugs at an early stage in their development.

Nadie puede ser obligado a ceder su propiedad ni permitir que otro haga uso de ella, esto expresamente el legislador lo consagra como un derecho al propietario de la cosa, previsto por el artículo 548 del código civil cuando establece. Articulo 548 código civil “el propietario de una cosa tiene el derecho de reivindicarla de cualquier poseedor o detentador salvo las excepciones establecidas en las leyes, si el poseedor o detentador después de la demanda judicial a dejado de poseer la cosa por hecho propio esta obligada recobrarla a su costa por cuenta del demandante, y si así no lo hiciere a pagar su valor sin prejuicio de la opción que tiene el demandante para intentar su acción contra el nuevo poseedor detentador”.
Ahora bien es sabido que sean las normas la acción reivindicatoria o de dominio esta constituida por estos factores: a) cosa regular, reivindicable, o cuota determinada de cosas singulares. B) derecho del dominio del demandante. C) posesión material del demandado. D) identificación de la cosa objeto de la reivindicación, ósea, que lo que se reivindique sea lo mismo que posee el demandado. En este sentido, la doctrina y la jurisprudencia ha establecido los siguientes requisitos A) que quien invoque le derecho o demuestre, la propiedad que le asiste sobre la cosa cuya restitución presenta y de la cual deriva el dominio que ha ejercido él, y elcausante sobre dicha cosa. B) la existencia de la cosa que aspire reivindicar. C) que efectivamente dicha cosa este detentada por el demandado.
Por otra parte, hay doctrinas que afirman y establecen que el demandante en esta dirección, subsiste independientemente del ejercicio de las facultades reconocidas del titular, el propietario no deja de serlo aunque no ejecute ninguna acción como tal y aunque un tercero despliegue sobre el objeto una conducta que rivalice con los poderes del propietario. Extremo que que se verifican en el caso planteado y se traducen que a mi poderdante esta en el derecho de recuperar la cosa por esta vía y dispone de la propiedad de manera exclusiva en el uso, goce y disfrute de la misma. (art. 545 Cc) y que según la jurisprudencia reiterada y constante de nuestros tribunales el derecho de propiedad facultad de disposición a quien tiene como titular este derecho, es porque en este acto con las facultades concedidas con el legislador venezolano, mi poderdante tiene la disposición de reivindicar la propiedad de las manos del ciudadano JOSE HERNANDEZ antes identificado como detentador de la cosa y en consecuencia por todos los razonamientos antes expuestos y basado en las exegesis de las normas antes señaladas del código civil venezolano y de los reiterado por la jurisprudencia y la doctrina, es por lo que acudo a este tribunal a su digno cargo para DEMANDAR formalmente como en efecto lo hago al ciudadano JOSEHERNANDEZ, plenamente identificado por REIVINDICACION del inmueble plenamente identificado en este escrito y la entrega inmediata del mismo a mi poderdante. SEGUNDO en el pago de las costas y costos del procesado incluyendo los honorarios profesionales de los abogados que actúen en el presente juicio conforme en lo previsto del artículo 286 del cogido de procedimiento civil.
Fundamento la presente demanda en los artículos 545 y 548 del código civil y artículo 338 del código de procedimiento civil.
A los efectos de cuantificar el valor de la cosa demandada de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículos 38 del código de procedimiento civil, estimo la presente demanda en la cantidad de DOSCIENTOS MIL BOLIVARES (200.000bs) pido al tribunal se practique la citación de la parte demandada en la dirección siguiente Av. Intercomunal, esquina con calle cumana, en la jur Clinical studies: These involve the monitoring of illnesses in human patients.
Epidemiology: This is the study and comparison of groups of people to learn what causes health problems.
Postmortem studies: Examining the bodies of people who have died can give clues about diseases and their causes.
Prevention: It makes sense to stop people getting ill in the first place. Educating people about healthy living could save many lives.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of animals are used in toxicity tests that are designed to assess the safety of agricultural and industrial chemicals, food additives, household cleaning products and cosmetics. These substances are rubbed into their skin, dripped into their eyes, forced down their stomachs, injected, or administered as a gas in a sealed chamber. Although animal testing forcosmetics has been banned in Britain, products that have been tested in other countries still fill
our shops.


Animal experiments give results that cannot reliably be applied to humans. Animals’ bodies are different from ours. They don’t get the same diseases that we do and they often have very different reactions to drugs and chemicals. The success rate for predicting harmful side effects from animal experiments is only 5 - 25%, which means we would be better off tossing a coin than relying
on animal experiments. A good example of how different species react to a
chemical or medicine is penicillin, which is one of the most commonly used antibiotics today. Penicillin kills guinea pigs, yet it cures humans. Products such as aspirin and paracetamol, commonly used to treat people, are highly poisonous to cats. Aspirin causes birth defects in
most laboratory animals, but not in humans, and chocolate is poisonous to dogs! Many drugs, which were passed as safe in animal tests, have caused serious side effects, and even deaths, in
people. In fact, 18,000 people die every year in the UK from the harmful side effects of prescription drugs.

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