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State of Japan - human Rights

State of Japan
Human Rights
La Concha La Madre
Human Traffic in Southest Asia
Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim.

The Islamic Republic of Iran believes it would be appropriate to recall this meeting’s purpose and background before anything else

Diamond traffic refers to the non-authorized movement of diamonds originated from areas controlled by factions opposed to internationally-recognized governments and used to fuel this opposition’s military actions. Its problems presented to the International Community are itself the fueling of opposition, as well as a common breach of conventional human right standards assosiated with the adquisition of these blood diamonds. It has been for many years, therefore, suggested that diamond traffic should be stopped in order that it be made easier to combat these problems. Nonetheless, it would be convenient for the underlying principle behind these suggestions not to be forgotten, which is the need to stop these breach of conventional human right standards and fueling of oppositional insurgencies.

The Kimberly Process Certification Scheme was introduced, following actions taking according to these suggestions, on 2003 to prevent blood diamond sales from fueling rebelions. Yes, this implementation of the Kimberly Process quickly helped diminish the beligerent abilities and range of political influence of some oppositional forces by cutting their primeincome strategy. It, however, would not be hard to predict a steady decay curve on the effectiveness rate of the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme-related traffic-prevention activies; mainly because of the high posibilities that post-KPCS-rebelions have been searching for alternate economical fueling sources, and the tendency for any modern political international organisation to fall into, although less severe, illicit activities, such as corruption, as said Ian Smillie, one of the architects of the Kimberly Process itself when resigning from his position as a civil society representative to the process, “When regulators fail to regulate, the systems they were designed to protect collapse [] I feel that I can no longer in good faith contribute to a pretense that failure is success”

This Kimberly Process tendency to inefficiency is most notable when the Process’ various cultural-biased actions are considered. Recalling one of those two main diamond traffic combat’s objectives as the overall avoidance of practices opposed to those linked to optimal human right preservation, it would be expected for the Process to prohibit any diamond sales that somehow relate to a breach of human rights, which is obviously not what it does. “This narrow definition of what constitutes a ‘conflict diamond’ lets states, such as Israel, that export polished diamonds and regularly commit war crimes completely off thehook and gives an utterly false impression to consumers that all KP certified diamonds are ‘bloodless’”

Israel, being the main oppositional movement fueled by diamond sales of those practitioners in illegal activities that promote violations to human rights, is a clear example of those corruption, hypocrisy and doublespeak that lie within various interpretations to the Kimberly Process; those attitudes that will always prevent the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme from ever reaching its fundamental objectives.

Concerning Zimbabwe’s relation to the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme

They will not ever be any more than useless, considering the main problems that gave rise to the creation of the KPCS, Zimbabwe’s actions towards becoming a signatory of the Process or somehow relate to it. Those false solutions that it suggests; even though it may seem as if they might, in a superficial level, will never do any good to Zimbabwe, neither politically, socially, nor economically.

We continue to witness a failure of the leadership in Zimbabwe to address the political, economic, human rights and humanitarian crisis that is confronting the country and to do what is best for the people of Zimbabwe;

Zimbabwe's military is forcing children and women to work at the mines, whilst also torturing and beating local villagers in the Marange area.

As it can be seen, confering theauthority of exploiting diamond fields to the Zimbabwean government’s only consequence is the shifting of the source of those human rights violations caused by forced minings from the rebels to the government. The matter-to-solve lying within this is not the halting of diamond traffic, but this apparently unavoidable situation.

History has taught us that all social-political problems, disregarding their nature or causes, tend to solve themselves eventually. Centuries back, when any part of the world wasn’t nearly as easily-accesible as it is now, and there existed no globalization, there was no way to put and end to any social-political problem from the outside; and they solved themselves. In a similar manner, countries must “leave” this problem to solve itself; instead of trying to somehow acquire direct influence on Zimbabwe’s political administration.

Relooking at past actions and proposals from a different perspective; attempting to stop this diamond traffic, aside from being innecessary to put an end to armed conflicts, is actually detrimental to the integrity of Zimbabwe. The problem arises when, by disguising Zimbabwe’s most productive economical activity as one whose sole aim is to fuel rebelions and therefore encouraging the International Community to forbid it, countries are also disguising putting an enormous hindrance to all posible Zimbabwean development as “fighting opposition” or“terrorism” or other nonsense ad populum. Countries need also be aware that this is a problem that compromises Zimbabweans, and only Zimbabweans, and is a problem that Zimbabweans can, should, and will solve by themselves.

“The international community, led by the United Nations stands ready to provide the necessary humanitarian assistance [] to Zimbabwean people.” And the optimal humanitarian assistance would be, in fact, to refrain from engaging in behaviour that, disguising itself as international help, is actually prejudical to Zimbabwe.

“Bearing in mind the positive benefits of the legitimate diamond trade to producing countries []”

The Islamic Republic of Iran consequently reminds all States that they have no right to arbitrarily label any group’s completely-valid, unique means of moving forward onto prosperity as “illegal” for no reason other than their own pseudological-egotistical interests; accordingly recognises the importance of non-intervention in any country’s economical activities; agrees that any attempt to halt Zimbabwean diamond trades would be inadequate; and further encourages other nations to stop their current interference, and take measures to prevent any posible kinds of future interference, within any country’s internal affairs.

“And We wished to be Gracious to those who were being depressed in the land, to make them leaders and make them heirs”

Allahu Akbar.

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