Consultar ensayos de calidad

Constipation - homoeopathic treatment - symptoms, pathogenic and clinical


Alum - With rectum sore and bleeding; stools hard, knotty, covered with
mucous; stools accumulate in rectum.
Amm-mur - Hard, crumbling stool, covered with mucous; smarting and
soreness in rectum.
Anac - Sense of plug in rectum, preventing stool.
Bar-carb - Constipation of hard, knotty stools.
Bry - Large, hard stools, dry, as if burnt.
Calc - Constipation of large hard stools; for first hard, then pasty,
then fluid.
Chel - Stool of small, round, black balls; constipation and diarrhoea
Grap - Large, knotty; united by threads of mucus.
Hydras - With gastric faintness, debility, heavy pain in rectum.
Lach - Like excrements of sheep; difficult.
Lyc - Hard, lumpy; after stool, sense of incompletion; difficult from
pain and constriction at anus.

Nat-mur - Difficult from anal constriction and soreness; stools

Nux-vom - Constipation from inefficient peristalsis; cannot get done
alternating with diarrhoea.
Opium - Hard, black balls.
Phos - Long slender, ribbon-like stools.
Plum - Constipation of small hard stools, like excrements of sheep.
Sep - Hard, knotty, in balls; difficult, with pain in rectum; sense of
ball in anus; not relieved by stool.
Sul - Constipation of dry, hard, knotty stools; painful; alternating
with diarrhoea; ineffectual urging before and after stool, followed by aching and sticking pain in rectum.

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