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Should the cigarette smokin should be banned?

Should the cigarette smokin should be banned?
Smoking shouldn't be banned. Smoking is one of the main causes of death in many countries and also one of the main sources to deal with economy problems. Many people says that it should be banned because of the death ratio it has, but if people complain about it only for that, then there is no safe amount of stair you can climb without running a risk of falling and breaking your neck, even when your just climb a tree for the fun of it. If all dangers were made illegal, there wouldn't be anything left to do.
About a third of the male adult global population smokes, and only for that amount of people, it shouldn't be banned.One of the reasons it shoulnd't be banned is because it employs numerous low-skilled workers in the United States. It brings in profits from other countries. A part of the taxes income that come for the cigarattes companies go (or are supposed to) for education. But that's a rather small benefit to the huge costs of the roughly hundred-thousand smoking related deaths each year. The real reason cigarettes aren't outlawed is because of the enormous quantities of money involved with the excise taxes.

If cigarette smoking is banned, it will lead to a very similar situation of 1920. The alcohol banning. Making the sell of cigarettesforbidden by the law, it will not stop from smoking, it will only stop people from smoking in public and gettint them in stores. If this happen, it will be worst because it may inlfuence passive smokers to be active smokers, also convince people that doing illegal things is not so bad after all.
Even though many people keep complaining about the killing that cigarettes do, tobacco companies can't really make something about it, I mean, the people working for them, are doing something for a living and not only that, closing a tobacco company will not only make angry many people, it also implies many things such as strongly affecting the economy of a country and it will leave many workers without a job. Not all the people qualify to have a good job in a company, many of the people working for tobacco companies are people con't couldn't really make it past high school and are inmigrants, wich mean they are the field workers. Taking the work off those people will not only imply a whole domino effect. Those people will no longer have a job, they will not be able to fedd their families, wich will lead to all of them being unemployed and rising the charts of poverty in the country.

Even though about a third of the male adult global population smokes
Right now, economy is one of the main issues of the world, ons

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