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How does drinking 2L of water daily affects my body?

División de educación media superior
Unidad Valle Alto
Academia de Biologia

How does drinking 2L of water daily affects my body?

mrs. Martha Montemayor

Monterrey N.L. a 15 de april de 2012.

The objective of this proyect was to record the changes in my own body, after a couple of weeks of drinking 2L of water dail. Since water is the healthiest, and most natural beverage in the world, I honestly expect to see a lot of positive changes in my body as well as in my immune system. I hope to be able to see in every different process that my body has, a different improovement to it.

There’s no doubt that water is important.  Not only do we humans use it just about every day, but every living thing needs it to live.  It has helped form the Earth as we know it, and it covers over 70% of the Earth.  Even where there is land, much of it is covered in ice, which is obviously just solid water.  The importance of water is clear to us in many ways, and we can’t overlook it.

Where would people be without water?  Well aside from, you know, not being alive, we may never have evolved the big brains that make us such a unique species.  Somesay that that learning how to keep, and transport water over land was the key to our survival when other similar species just kept dying off.
Driking water also brings incountable advantages for the body itself, like skin, hair, organs,muscles,blood, etc. get healthier when you increase your water intake.
Some advantages yout body gets while increasing your water intake are:
* Loose weight
* Hydration
* Skin texture
* Digestive health
* Flush our toxins
* Last more at exercise
* Reduce fluid retention
* More energy
Your body is estimated to be about 60 to 70 percent water. Blood is mostly water, and your muscles, lungs, and brain all contain a lot of water. You need water to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to travel to your organs and tissues. Water also transports oxygen to your cells, removes waste, and protects your joints and organs.

You lose water through urination, respiration, and by sweating, and you lose more water when you're active than when you're sedentary. Diuretics, such as caffeine pills, certain medications and alcohol may increase the amount of water your body loses. Energy drinks with large amounts of caffeine may also have a diureticeffect. Most caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea don't appear to have much of a diuretic effect. Lost fluids must be replaced by the fluids in the foods you eat and the beverages you drink.
If you don't get enough water, you may suffer from hydration. Symptoms of mild dehydration include chronic pains in joints and muscles, lower back pain, headaches and constipation. A strong odor to your urine, along with a yellow or amber color, may indicate that you may not be getting enough water. Note that riboflavin, a B vitamin, will make your urine bright yellow when you take dietary supplements that contain large amounts of riboflavin. Certain medications can change the color of urine as well. Thirst is an obvious sign of dehydration, and in fact, you need water before you feel thirsty.

Some experts believe you can estimate the amount of water you need by taking your weight in pounds and dividing that number in half. That gives you the number of ounces you may want to drink each day. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you might want to drink at least 80 ounces of water or other fluids per day. Other factors include amount of physical activity and the climate where you are located. My water calculator can help you determinehow much water you need to drink each day.
At least twenty percent of the water you need comes from the foods you eat. The rest comes from the beverages you drink. Water is probably the best choice because it's cheap and has no calories or added ingredients. Sweetened soft drinks and sodas have added sugar that adds extra calories but no additional nutritional value. Sports drinks contain minerals that may help keep your electrolytes in balance, which is good for recovering after a hard work out, but look out for added sugar and calories that you may not want. Fruit and vegetable juices can be a good choice because they have vitamins and minerals your body needs. Caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee count too, but too much caffeine can make you feel jittery.

Watr is also said to give us sparkly eyes, clear our skin of spots and make us look glowing and healthy. But water has lots of benefits for your health too.

Almost two thirds of our body is made up of water, so it's no wonder that when we don't drink enough we start to suffer.

So, I first started my normal rutine, for a week and recorded my observations, for example, weight, exercise, number of evacuations, and urinations so that I could have aclose look at the contrast, this experiment would offer.

After 28 days, of drinking 2L of water daily, we can assume, that my organism started working and woke up considerably, I felt much more energized.
# water (L) | #urinations | #evacuations | Energy level (1-4) |
1 | 1.3 | 1.5 | 2 |
2 | 3 | 2 | 2 |
2 | 2.2 | 2.5 | 3 |
2 | 2.5 | 2 | 4 |
2 | 2.5 | 2 | 4 |

The first row, represent the average of the first stage, and the columns represent the weeks. Its remarkable the improvement of my organism, its notorious that my metabolism speeded up quite fast.
In base of this chart, we can assume the more water you let into your organism, is the more, your immune system is going to work on your favor as well as your metabolism will boost.
As a personal result, I believe that increasing your water intake, is essential for a better health, no matter how much exersice, or what diet are you taking, increasing your water intake, will help you give a huge boost to your body, in every aspect of it. In me, I slowly felt, how it started cleaning my digestive tract, as well as reducing the toxins, which led to lower my stress levels, and boost my energy, I also felt how it helped my body to take advantage of everything, forexample, I fell much more effectiveness in muy workout rutines,. Also I feel more rested, with the same amount of sleep I feel my body is just working out perfectly.
In this proyect I realized the importance of water and how we should really take ir seriously, the companys and enterprises, have using drinkable water, to help themselves produce less healthy products, I wouldn’t mind about this before, but now that I see the changes water has made over myself, I start to worry, because nature gave us the best product, better than any fat reducer, or any bypass or whatever they can sell you to adquire a better health, water intake is so important and if only all those people that need help, could just start with a daily 2L of water intake, they will se a lot of changes, in fact, I considered myself as a healthy person, but after this, I realize that I wasn’t healthy, and the media and everyone, makes you think you’re healthy and you’re not! Just take a look at yourself in the mirror, doesn’t matter if you like or not what you see, and then carry on with a 1 month 2L of water intake, and you’ll se all the differences and improovements you’ll see, and feel.
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