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Soil disinfection in horticulture - Irrigation



All persons who are or come into contact with food, either in its preparation, processing or handling in general should make sure to follow the following requirements:
• Be free from any communicable disease.
• Cover cuts and / or injured with rubber gloves or any other
• Wear clean and appropriate.
• Wash hands immediately before starting work and before any
Operations that involve food handling.
• No smoking, no spitting in processing rooms.
• Take precautions to prevent contamination of processed foods with any foreign substance.
Foods in their natural condition are commonly fresh or in a state of constant change. The changes that may be taking place promovidospor one or more factors which are prominent examples actividadesde enzymes or microorganisms. These changes can affect latextura, flavor, color and other qualities of food, until hacerlosinaceptables for human consumption.

Food should be kept in such form and condition soloresulten not healthy, but also tasty. This result can be conseguidosolo by maintaining a scrupulous sanitation through operations ofall processes. The poor sanitary conditions can only significarno low quality, but also deterioration in food eldeterioro consequently can lead to total loss of the product taking the form of food.
Equipment such as kettles, bleach, tanks, pipes, sealers, strippers, pulpers, grinders, knives, cutting boards, colanders, etc must be completely cleaned at the beginning andend of each day of
each process work or more detergent with water and then rinse with steam Aguacaliente to apply. Then disinfected using sodium hypochlorite soluciónde and leave about 45 minutes and then wash with aguaabundante.
This same process should be followed with walls, floors, ceilings and tables

Soil disinfection in horticulture

Disinfection of the soil is a practice that is used in horticulture, especially in greenhouse is to try to avoid the negative effects caused by parasites produced a continuous repetition of a crop or group of crops.
These parasites are usually insects, nematodes, fungi, weeds, bacteria and viruses, and generally threaten the viability of different crops planted in the ground, for which we have developed several techniques or products that fight their action
• Physical Techniques: These techniques are based on the use of heat and sterilize in its different forms of application, such as heat disinfection and solarization.
• Soil disinfection with chemicals: This technique is based on the use of various chemicals and by the effects of the same soil disinfection achieve. These chemicals are

Methyl bromide: A fumigant action with a clear overall activity against nematodes, insects, fungi and weeds, and is in the form of volatile liquid toilet.
Chloropicrin: This product is presented as a highly toxic volatile liquid, which in Spain is sold in conjunction with methyl bromide. Usually applied in doses of 500-600 kg / ha, with safety within the establishment ofthe crop of 10 to 20 days.

Dichloropropene and mixtures thereof: is a soil fumigant nematicidal action merely applied in doses of 300 - 1000 l / ha. It has a safety period between product application and the establishment of the crop of about 15 days after treatment.

Metam - metam sodium and - potassium: Other liquid fumigant as all previous fungicide, insecticide and herbicide some extent, to apply with varying doses between 500 and 1500 l / ha, except for when it is desired to act as a herbicide, whose doses must be higher.

Dazomet: This is a biocidal product marketable granules, nematicide and fungicide action mainly but is also effective against soil insects and worms, and weed germination period.

Nema: soil disinfecting product that can be applied by spraying or injection on it which seal by irrigation. It is typically applied at doses between 100 and 500 l / ha, and security features within 2 to 4 weeks
Raw materials are classified into raw materials and primary, and non-primary materiasprimas.
• Primary Commodities: Are those that occur on the farm and are available for elagricultor, in our case the vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflower, green beans, peppers, carrots, etc
• Non-Primary Commodities: These are not obtained directly from agricultural land and sonampliamente used in the processing and preservation of food.


Irrigation is a very important to the success of the crop.
We will have to make frequent, light waterings, since by itsshallowness, the substrate has less storage capacity.
Water drains more easily in containers in soil crops.
Watering frequency increases or decreases depending on the season and development or number of plants, so keep an eye if they show signs of wilting and soil moisture.
Exceeding the maximum amount of water that can retain the substrate, the excess will come out the drain hole, what to avoid to keep many nutrients.
The optimal time for watering day is sunset, thus avoiding favors evaporation and water infiltration into the substrate.
With practice, we learn to water often and appropriate amount for each time, so that the garden maintain a state of optimum moisture.
We will obtain water directly from the mains or rain, if we can store it. The different forms ranging from traditional irrigation sprinkler to drip irrigation system (drip, oozing) with intermediate tank.
We may also use a programmer to ensure the amount and frequency of watering as we pass.

The harvest

The collection, which largely is the ultimate goal (though not the only), perhaps the most gratifying moment to provide us work in our garden.
To collect the fruits we use scissors or knife, so avoid unnecessary damage to the plants.
Some vegetables like tomatoes, red indicates the maturity of the fruit.
Others, such as zucchini, eggplant or cucumber are harvested immature.
Garlic and onions can be picked when tender or collect dry leaves.
In the case of peas, beans and peppers, continuous harvesting immature fruit stimulatesthe production of new flowers and fruits.
Many leafy vegetables such as lettuce and spinach, are harvested before flowering, because if the plant flowers, the blade acquires a bitter taste.
-Handling of raw materials
During operation should take into account issues such as maturation, respiration and perspiration, and the collection and transport.
• Maturity: This is important both to control the quality of the final product, to improve the validity and efficiency of the process, since the maduraciónexcesiva results in the rejection of many products and almanipularlo damage and alteration during storage. When hortalizasestan ripening in the field, have radical changes from one day to otro.Existe a time when the garden is at its highest quality, tantoen color, texture, and this quality can be lost in a single day.
• Breathing: Vegetables are living things and processes carry and characteristics, of all living things. The most important of these is larespiración in which oxygen combines with the carbon theparents tissues found mainly sugars, to form eventually variosproductos decomposition and carbon dioxide and water.
• Breathability: The vegetables continue to lose water vapor and lacosecha after loss of water if this is not delayed, the product can marchitarrapidamente and become inedible. This occurs when you have already perdidoentre the 5 to 10%. Water loss is faster at low humidity than altahumedad.
• Storage: The ideal and most recommended that all materials be processed promptlyprimasse to reach the ground. In practice, this situation almost never occurs, so it is necessary to supply an area paraalmacenamiento materials and products specially processed.
Green leafy vegetables should be kept or stored because pierdenrapidamente properties and vitamins.
Beets, carrots, potatoes and turnips can be stored in boxes or envoltoriosbien protected mice and insects. Types of storage trays, batteries, outdoors or in refrigeration.


Foods to be mainly of organic origin and living objects, estansujetos to a natural cycle of growth and decline and its conservation should portanto, seen as a method of disruption of their natural life, so that normal losagentes causing decomposition, can not run its trabajodestructivo.
The goal of conservation is to choose the food that results massabroso point and the highest nutritional value and save it in this state, instead depermitir experiencing its natural changes that make it unusable for suconsumo. These changes are due in part to the action of enzymes on elalimento and partly to the growth of microorganisms contained in propioalimento. The two general principles of food preservation are then destroy the elements responsible for the deterioration or inhibit them. Furthermore ofreceal laconservación consumer the benefit of having periods deescasez food, which can be stored for long periods of time.
Enzymes are complex chemical processes that regulate metabólicosesenciales and are present in all living organisms and tissues.Enzymes are permanently inactivated by high heat, but loscalentamientos moderate increase their activity. The extreme cold suacción prevent temporarily but usually have no permanent effect, the temperature once again queeleva. Growing of vegetables

Generally, the garden is divided into several zones or parcelitas (3 or 4), called leaves or eras. Each sheet is intended for a single crop or several together with similar requirements and are rotated to cultivate not always in the same spot the same species. -

With this technique leads to two things
1. Avoid partially increased soil pests and diseases specific to each group of repeat both these species in the same soil. If you go to the host, the parasites will go extinct. Although not perfect, since pests and soil fungi can move from one to the other and small plot withstand many years.
2. Another advantage is that the rotating vegetables Legumes (beans, beans and peas) set
Atmospheric nitrogen through nodules on their roots, making it available for the next culture and thereby enriching the soil. N Cultivate hungry as cabbages, potatoes or spinach after legumes.Do yourself a planing with the months of the year. Write down everything you go doing: sowing and planting dates,treatments, problems and results.Everything you notes will go much better.
• Some crops are planted once a year (winter turnips and cabbage) but others, such as lettuce and radishes can be planted to make repeated to have all year.
•Calculates most of the plots only produce two crops per year
• In mid-spring is just the number of species that can be planting to Avoid running out of space for the rest of the year, so it's best to hold back. Calculate how long it will take each (read the package or see the table above) and when one becomes free planting different for another crop.
• Many times the weather does change year plans. Be flexible. |

Legumes and other
- Peas (legume)
- Green beans (legumes)
- Beans (legumi.)
- Onions
- Garlic
- Leeks
- Lettuce
- Spinach
- Chard
- Celery
- RadishesBut it is also possible to supplement them with summer fruits that do not require strict rotations: tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, strawberries.
Cabbage family and others
- Coles
- Brussels sprouts
- Cauliflower
- Kale
- Cabbage
- BroccoliThey go well with them spinach, radishes and turnips. These species should planted during the 2nd season in the area that had occupied the first group.

Root crops
- Potato
- Carrot
- Beetroot
- Turnip
- Parsnips
- SalsifyThey can be combined with peppers, eggplant and tomatoes. Use potatoes, 2 Vdes.
to pick up throughout the year, especially early and late.
Perennials and other
These are plants that are grown in rotation because they can stay in the same place for several seasons:
- Artichoke
- Asparagus
- Aromatic culinary
- Shrubs fruit (raspberry, currant, cranberry, etc.)- If you want, the larger speciesand invasive (Zucchini, cucumbers, melons, pumpkins, cucumbers and even chard and spinach)could be grouped at the bottom of the garden. |
Fast growing plants
- Lettuce (leaf)
- Radishes
- Small Radishes
- Lettuce (buds)
- Carrots
- Early Peas
- Swedes
- Eggplant
- New potatoes
- Beans
- Beet
- Broccoli Calabrese
- Beans 4-5 weeks | 4-5 weeks
12 |
Slow growing plants
- Beans
- Cauliflower
- Potatoes
- Onions
- Celery
- Kale
- Leeks
- Brussels sprouts
- Col
- Broccoli | 20 weeks

-Imports and exports of vegetables in Mexico
Graphic - Mexico - Imports - Evolution
NCE: Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Annual FOB USD

Graphic - Mexico - Imports - Evolution
DE: Edible vegetables, roots and tubers - Monthly FOB USD

Graphic - Mexico - Exports - Evolution
DE: Edible vegetables, roots and tubers - Annual FOB USD

Graphic - Mexico - Exports - Evolution
DE: Edible vegetables, roots and tubers - Monthly FOB USD

Graphic - Mexico - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution
NCE: Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Annual FOB USD

Graphic - Mexico - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution
NCE: Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Monthly FOB

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