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What is bullying - types of bullying, causes of bullying

What is bullying
The term is a word that comes from the Dutch word meaning harassment. The bullyng is any form of psychological abuse, verbal or physical occurred between school repeatedly over a given time.
Statistically, the dominant type of violence is the emotional and mostly occurs in the classroom and the school yard. The protagonists of cases of bullying are often children in the process of entry into adolescence (12-13 years).
Bullies can be boys or girls, although the trend is more pronounced in men.

Sex: It's when there is a siege, induction or sexual abuse.
Social exclusion: When ignored, isolated and excludes the other.
Verbal: Insults and slurs in public to embarrass the weak.

Psychological: In this case there is persecution, intimidation, tyranny, blackmail, manipulation and other threats.
Physical: There hitting, pushing or beating the beleaguered organization.
Ciberbullyng: For generations the blows, marzipan, taunts and intimidation have been practiced in schools, but the new method is the ciberbullyng ie harassment over the Internet specifically on websites, blogs or emails.

Personal: A child who acts aggressively suffer intimidation or any kind of abuse at school or in the family.
Acquire this behavior when adults often humiliated.
Feels superior, either because it has the support of other attackers or because the child is beset with very little ability to respond to attacks.
Family: The child mayhave aggressive attitudes as a way to express their feelings to a familiar little emotional, there are situations where the absence of a parent, divorce, violence, abuse or humiliation exerted by parents and older siblings, perhaps because it is possibly a child who lives under constant pressure to succeed in their activities or otherwise is a very spoiled child.
Children are much given to watching the action and violence, and even if they believe they too influence their behavior.
For the aggressor may later become criminals, the person is frustrated because he has difficulty living with other children, believes that any effort you make is worth to create positive relationships with peers.
To the victim: Obvious low self esteem, passive attitudes, loss of interest in studies which may lead to a failing in school, emotional disorders, psychosomatic problems, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, unfortunately some guys, not having to endure more this situation take their own lives.

Response of the aggressor
Those who engage in bullying does to impose their power over the other thus making it under their complete control over months or even years.
The child or several, usually in groups, constantly threatening and aggressive attitudes have no reason against one or more other children.
Is or are provocative, anything is for them because of teasing and resolve their conflicts is through aggression.
It is not empathetic, ie not put in the place ofanother.
Behaves as Victim
Children are often shy and unsociable. Faced constant harassment, logically feel anxious, tense and very scared to the point that in some cases can lead to devastating consequences.
The child or adolescent is aggressive with their parents or teachers.
They begin to make excuses and various arguments for not attending classes or participate in school activiadades and has a low school performance.
The victim begins to lose material goods without justification, or ask for more money to cover the aggressor blackmail.
In the most severe cases have obvious bruises or assaults on the face and body.
As parents must act before a child stalker
You and you approach your child, talk to him.
Interact more with your child's friends and see what activities do.
Once you find yourself creating a climate of trust and communication with your child, ask the reason for his behavior.
If You checked your child is a bully, do not ignore the situation will worsen because surely, quietly looking for ways to help.
You must never use violence to repair the problem. Violence begets violence, where is the solution Nor blame others for the bad behavior of your child.
Never forget to show love to your child, but you also will not let him know that these aggressive and intimidating behavior, also makes clear that measures will be taken because of their behavior and if they continue that way.
When it detects a case of bullying, the child's parents mustwork together with the school to solve the problem in an immediate. Talk to teachers, ask for help and listen to all reviews that give you about your son. Stay informed of how the school is trying this case and the results are being achieved.
Through communication with your child you can realize your tastes and hobbies, channeling his aggressive behavior on that side, so if you're like futboll inscríbelo in a sports club, if you like to play an instrument bring it to take classes.
Create an environment in your home where the boy sits with the confidence to express their dissatisfactions and frustrations without attacking. Teach good manners.
You teach your child to recognize his mistakes and apologize to those who find they hurt, praised the good deeds.
What if my child is the victim?
Research thoroughly what is happening, talk to his closest companions, teachers, friends and family.
Talk to your child and make him feel that he can trust you, so he will feel comfortable talking to you about all the good and bad that is living.
Talk about it. Listen to your child, let them vent.
If you are actually harassing test them, stay calm and not demonstrate concern, the child has to come on your face and a positive determination.
Commit yourself to help your child, and most importantly, let him know that he is not to blame for this situation.
Do not try to solve the problem by telling your son to defend and take revenge, this would worsen the situation, it is better todiscuss how they can respond assertively to bullies and practical answers to your son.
You should contact your child's teacher and the school management to keep them aware of what is happening, ask for their cooperation in resolving the facts.
If the bullying continues, you'll have to consult a lawyer.
If your child is very emotionally damaged by this whole situation, seek the advice of a psychologist to help you overcome this trauma. But never forget that the best help in such cases, is that of his family.
How should a child act being harassed?
Do not show fear, do not cry or get angry: That's what the perpetrator intended, so do not give him the satisfaction. Later you can talk or write about your reactions and how you felt at that moment.
If it starts to bother you do not stand there, keep walking and do not look or listen.
If you insult or ridicule with phrases such as: 'You're a chicken,' 'a coward', the attacker responds quietly and firmly, say for example: 'No, that's just what you think.'
Stay away or run if you think there may be danger. Go to a place where there is an adult.
Talk to your colleagues or friends what is happening to you.
It is very important that also platiques this with an adult who you trust.
If you do not want to talk alone with an adult theme, ask a friend or sibling to accompany you.
Make it clear to the adult who you talk to the subject that the situation affects you deeply.
If you feel you can not say anything to anyone, trywriting a letter explaining what you get. Give it to a trusted adult and keep a copy for you.
Remember that you are not to blame for what is happening to you.
Know that you are not alone (a), and adults have friends who love you and care for you, approach them certainly will help.
Think of the child who assaults you have problems, maybe at home, so we act this way, why not try going to allow that.
Treat others as you would have them do unto you and you need assistance, so when you need help, you help.
What should teachers do?
Identify the victim and the aggressor.
If the victim has detected check by asking your parents if your child has difficulty sleeping, stomach aches, chest, headache, nausea and vomiting, constant crying, etc If it is necessary to investigate and watch over the child.
Follow the child to a safe distance where it commonly is unattended, surely encounter the guy who is harassing.
In the bathroom walls or doors thereof, children often write taunts and assaults, review them.
Talk to the closest companions of children (bully and victim), can provide valuable information.
Be aware that both the perpetrator and the victim suffer, and therefore need to be addressed and treated.
In the family
The family is the main source of love and educating children, from it the child learns to socialize based on the values, norms and behaviors homeschooled; avoid that our home becomes a hostile or otherwise too permissive, restassured that this will always be that children acquire aggressive behaviors.
Another role of the family is to be informed constantly, there orientation courses where parents about keeping their children away from the bullying, they are usually based on love and communication between parents and children, observation to detect immediately any abnormal behavior in the child, be aware of your child's activities, the existence of limits and rules, as well as monitor compliance.
These courses give particular attention to emotional intelligence, ie teach parents how to help their children to control their emotions and behavior towards others so that they can live with.
In school
The discipline to stay in the classroom and the school in general is critical to building a good character.
It is important to the supervision of students in and out of the classrooms, playgrounds, bathrooms, kitchens, etc
Establish clear school rules and actions to be taken in behaviors such as bullying.
Act fast, directly and forcefully in the case of occurrence of any suspicion of bullying.
The school must be open to the complaints and suggestions of students and parents, suggested placing a mailbox.
Courses or conferences for parents and teachers which can address issues such as bullying.
Add or reinforce the theme of values a€‹a€‹education in the course of the students.
Teachers can rely on students to identify harassment, must be very smart and know who can give you valuable information.

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