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Acquaponic system

Acquaponic system

The acquaponic system is a combination between aquiculture that is cultivation of all kind of vegetables without soil only with water and hydriponic is method utilizated to cultivate plants using minerals solutions instead of soil,the roots of this plants received a balance solution of necessesary nutrients that the plant need to live ;where is cultivated vegetables using only water and fishes.
The acquaponic system is pond of two floors,in lower floor is where the fish lives and in the other one the vegetables are cultivated.This system create an ecosystem where if one of those is missing the other one can live;the garbage and other elements that the fish produce is took by the plants to get the necessary nutrients to live;this nutrients are in the water and this nutrients are delivered by a pipe that connect the two floors and when the plant had absorb the necessesary nutrients and water to live,the rest return again to the fish pond.

This system canproduce enough food for 5 families for one month and after that still have food to feed the fishes from the pond.
This technique to produce food is conderated one of the most effective techniques and less contaminated in the world.The acquaponic because is a closed system it not produce contamination to the environment directly and do not contaminate the soil like other techniques because it do not use soil,Also is easy to make and it is not expensive.
In this ecosystem you cannot use all kind of fishes,there are only two species that are allowed and perfect for this project,there are:tilapia and cachama;but the best choice is tilapia.
The tilapia fish are fishes that live only in lakes and rivers;this fishes are perfect for this environment because they can eat almost everything and also they can resist every kind of climate and temperatures changes than any fish.
The tilapia fish is also too dangerous for the environment because they eat other fishes and also they eatthemselves,that is another benefit of the acquaponic system that makes him friendly environmentally,because they maintain the tilapia fishes isolated from the others fishes so they cannot eat them.In Nueva Esparta,Venezuela was registrated an unusual disappear from two species in the Saint lake,and after of a lot of observations the scientists conclude that was the tilapia fish that eliminate completedly those species;so the use of this systems can contribute to the no extinction of other fish species caused by the tilapia.
In conclution,the acquaponic system is a better technique for food production;but there are not a lot of people who knows about this and I think that this is something that all people need to know because this is in a close future would be transform into an important factor on the food industry in the world,and if we can to be a little bit more ambitious, instead of buying more vegetables or fishes.every home would have its only acquaponic system for self use.

Las fosas nasales de un cocodrílido y sus ojos se encuentran en la parte superior de la cabeza, lo que le permite ver y respirar mientras permanece en el agua. Puede respirar parcialmente sumergido, cerrando un pliegue de la garganta que evita que el agua penetre en los pulmones. Bajo el agua, las fosas nasales y los oídos se cierran, y en sus ojos una membrana transparente se mueve en sentido transversal actuando como un tercer párpado.
La fecundación es interna. Son ovíparos; es decir, ponen huevos, en nidos que construyen con palos y ramas. Mas ésta es solo la parte superior. Los huevos en cuestión están enterrados. A veces, las tortugas aprovechan los nidos de los cocodrilos, que protegen su nido e incuban sus huevos.
Poseen además un corazón formado por cuatro cavidades (dos aurículas y dos ventrículos). Son poiquilotermos y ectotermos; es decir, que su temperatura corporal varía con la ambiental.
Respiran mediante los pulmones. Son los animales de respiraciónpulmonar que más tiempo pueden aguantar bajo el agua; sus pulmones son tan grandes que puede llegar a estar seis horas bajo el agua si está en continuo movimiento; si se mantiene quieto, es decir, consumiendo la cantidad mínima de oxígeno por minuto, es capaz de permanecer dos días seguidos bajo el agua. El abdomen y el tórax están separados por un diafragma muscular que también es usado en la respiración.
The Crocodile (Crocodile) is a family of sauropsids (reptiles), commonly known as archosaurs, crocodiles. Includes 14 species [1] current large semiaquatic reptiles. The term 'crocodile' is also used incorrectly to refer to all members of the order Crocodylia, which includes all crocodiles, alligators and caimans (family Alligatoridae) and the Gharial (family Gavialidae).

Their skin is scaly, hard and dry. Come to live for 100-150 years. [Citation needed]

They are reptiles that live in tropical areas of Africa, Asia, America and Australia. They are excellent swimmers. Tend to live in slow flowing rivers and feed on a wide variety of animals, preferably alive.

One species, the estuarine crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) is the largest of the crocodiles of today (the largest that has been reported is 8.5 meters long and weighing 1,700 kilos and was caught in Queensland (Australia ) in the year 1957), [2] [3] [4] live in both freshwater and salty estuaries and often delves into the sea, which has allowed him to settle many islands inAustralia and all costs from India to Australia, and even, on many occasions come across the Indian Ocean and reaches East Africa, from Somalia to Madagascar and South Africa. The estuarine crocodile is not the only venture into the sea, although that does it more often. Thus, the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus nyloticus) has crossed the sea to colonize several Indian Ocean islands (including Madagascar) and the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) has come to swim to most Caribbean islands, and even to the southern tip of Florida.

The young crocodiles feed on crabs, insects and frogs. The hunt larger fish feed on dead animals or remain on hold for hours, ready to swallow prey such as mammals and waterfowl. Cling to the prey with powerful jaws and sharp teeth, dragging it underwater to drown. Crocodiles can not chew, so they cut the dam, shaking and pieces with his teeth. Grow new teeth to replace those that are broken or lost. Their bite is the most powerful of all the Animal Kingdom, some 1,800 kilos of force. [Citation needed]

Crocodiles are very inactive lives because they lie motionless most of the day. In the morning the rivers are heated slowly and crocodiles often seek the warmth of the sun on the riverbank. At night the water cools slowly, so that the crocodiles spend these hours in the river to keep warm. To open their mouth helps to warm or cool morning at noon in the mouth the blood vessels near the surface of the skin, allowing heat topass quickly to or from the blood into the environment.

Inglaterra.Los Crocodylus acutus crocodiles have heavy bodies and slow metabolisms generally, although they can control the speed of digestion as prey abundance and ambient temperature, so, with an optimum temperature (40-50 ° C) can make a digestion if abundant prey quick or slow if they are scarce (the latter data were recently scientifically proven.) They are well adapted to aquatic life and only occasionally out of it, as the Ganges Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus). On land, crocodiles glide by dragging your stomach and pushing wi

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