Anarquía en Buenos Aires
Entre tanto en Buenos Aires, el bando Directorial volvió a recobrar su
prestigio, a pesar de su derrota, al aparecer como el defensor de los derechos
porteños, desconocidos luego de Cepeda. Por ello, fomentaron un clima de
verdadera anarquía, que al degenerar en tumultos y re¬vueltas
hicieron vivir a Buenos Aires, uno de los períodos mas turbios de
su historia, mereciendo que a esos meses se los recuerde como al 'Infausto
Año XX'.
El gobierno de Sarratea fue sumamente agitado. Tras haber sem¬brado la discordia entre los Caudillos,
mediante el Pacto de Pilar, fue dejado de lado. Depuesto por
el general Balcarce, huyó a refugiarse junto a los caudillos que
aún permanecían en Buenos
Aires. Estos, conside¬randolo como garantía del cumplimiento del
Pacto, lo repusieron en el cargo.
Dos meses después fue nuevamente depuesto y reemplazado por Ramos
Mejía, hacendado de escasa notoriedad política, pero
abier¬tamente simpatizante con los Directoriales. Su
nombramiento pareció una provocación hacia los caudillos,
ma¬xime cuando el nuevo gobernador, liberó a todos los
detenidos y suspen¬dió los procesos iniciados a raíz de
Cepeda. El caudillo López, cruzó
en¬tonces el Arroyo del Medio y al frente de sus tropas se puso nuevamente
en marcha contra Buenos Aires.
Al conocerse la nueva invasión, cundió
laagitación en la ciudad. El general Soler, comandante de las
milicias, pretextando que la situación exigía un
gobierno fuerte, se hizo proclamar gobernador por el Cabildo de Lujan. Al saberlo, Ramos Mejía presentó su renuncia a la
Junta de Re-presentantes, que le ordenó depositar su bastón de
mando en el Ca¬bildo porteño. Todo esto ocurrió el 20
de junio de 1820 que ha pasado a la historia como
'día de los 3 gobernadores', ya que Ramos Mejía, Soler
y el Cabildo pudieron simultaneamente creerse gobernantes de Bue¬nos
Aires. En verdad podría decirse que fue el 'día sin
gobierno', ya que ninguno de ellos tenía autoridad suficiente como
para desmentir la anarquía reinante. Ese mismo
nefasto día, fallecía en la ciudad, en medio del mayor olvido, el prócer Manuel
Belgrano. Finalmente es designado gobernador el general Martín
Rodríguez, activo militante del bando Directorial, aunque
dispuesto a llegar a un entendimiento con los caudillos.
Summer: at the southern area, until Nippur,
with ethnic and linguistic origin unknown.
Akkad: at the northern area, until Mari, above
all Semitic population.
This cultures had different phases of dominion, speakers of both languages,
Sumerian & semitic population. The origins of this
were at lower Mesopotamia, keep out of the
early Neolithic. It becomes an important area from the late cooper age, Uruk
and Jandet-Nasr was the cities were urbanization process began; Uruk had
technological innovations as pottery, metallurgy, writing, complex buildings
and trade routes. The population increased, so larger settlements were done. So
that’s why we can speak about complex urban societies
apparition. The division of the labour specialization was also a method used by
the Sumerians to categorisedifferent jobs. Jamdet Nasar was a community to
regard Uruk, here first palaces appeared and a secular political system was
developed. They used cuneiform writing spread. In the protodynastic age is more
information available. They used urban settlements system. Around 2500BC, 80
percent of the population lived in cities bigger than 40 hectares. Those
city-states fight each other. The city was the centre of power and seat of
specialized activities. These were agricultural states, with irrigation canals.
The urbanization process had different landowners, ones of family property and
other, in increase; lands are property of the palace and temple. The kings
played an important role at war, so the conflict were very common because of
the frontiers, trade routes or the impose dominance.
Umma vs. Lagash
was a well-known conflict; around 2600BC the border treat was broken.
Lugalzagesi, ruler of Uruk conquered, Ur,
Larsa, Umma, Nippur and Lagash. He controlled from lower sea to the
upper sea.
So different cultures in the lower Mesopotamia
during the early Bronze Age. Here is were we
found the origins of the Sumerian people. Around the 80 percent of the
population lived in cities.
Egypt during the old kingdom.
Here, the power, was linked to religious beliefs, Pharaon was a living god. The
administration was centralized and unified, with provincial administrations,
located on districts or nomes. These nomes were 22 in the Upper Egypt and 16 in
the Lower Egypt.
They had apyramidal structure, in the higher part, the pharaon and his family.
Them in the lower place the Nobility from the court, numers and upper
priesthood, and in a lower place, we found farmers and public workers.
The economy was essentially agricultural. From 2200BC: instability and
political disintegration, without building and royal inscriptions, so there is
not a sing of centralized power. The provincial rulers acted as kings and the
post become hereditary. They had problems with Asian invasions. From 2040BC the
reunification coined again, some conclusions of these are that we can saw
different periods with stability or instability, two kingdoms and one empire.
First empires in the near east.
The Acadian empire, around the years 2340-2159BC. The
king Sargon I established the dynasty and created the empire, this was a first
attempt to create a centralized empire in Mesopotamia.
During his reign the Acadian empire maybe had control from the lower sea to the
upper sea. But the peak of the empire came later with Naram-Sin (2254-2216BC).
The state organization of Acadian empire was centralized, capital located in Acadia: food surpluses, commercial products, exotic
materials were stored in this city. The central area was under military
control, between Kish and the Persian
Gulf. At the periphery the trade routes were controlled. The
ideological changes can be explained on three parts. Royal titles change from
king of kish
to king of the four regions, king of universaldominion. The king image changes
from a successful warrior to a leading role. The king become divine, the first
to change it was Naram-Sim.
Concluido el tragico Año XX, el país pareció
haberse llamado a so¬siego: todas las provincias fueron madurando sus
instituciones y organi¬zando sus administraciones públicas, en un clima de paz y de mutuo respeto. Al
mismo tiempo, casi todas entretejieron una vasta red de pactos y alianzas que
en conjunto, y de manera innegable, les daba la fisonomía de partes
integrantes de una misma Nación.