Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes for Dense
Instances of N P-Hard Problems
Abstract We present a unified framework for designing polynomial time
approximation schemes (PTASs) for dense instances of many N P-hard
optimization problems, including maximum cut, graph bisection, graph
separation, minimum k-way cut with and without specified terminals, and
maximum 3-satisfiability. By dense graphs we mean graphs with minimum degree
Ω(n), although our algorithms solve most of these problems so long as the
average degree is Ω(n). Denseness for non-graph problems is defined
similarly. The unified framework begins with the idea of exhaustive sampling:
picking a small random set of vertices, guessing where they go on the optimum
solution, and then using their placement to determine the placement of
everything else. The approach then develops into a PTAS for approximating
certain smooth integer programs where the objective function and the
constraints are dense polynomials of constant degree.
Approximation algorithms, whenever they can be found, are a way to deal with
the N Phardness of optimization problems.
Ideally, they should run in polynomial time and have a small approximation
ratio, which is the worst-case ratio of the value of the solution returned by
the algorithm to the value of theoptimum solution. (This definition is for
minimization problems; for maximization problems the ratio is inverted so that
it is always at least 1.) Optimization problems seem to be approximable to
different degrees (see [Shm94] for a survey). We know that unless P = N P,
problems such as CLIQUE [FGL+ 91, AS92, ALM+ 92] and CHROMATIC NUMBER [LY93]
cannot be approximated even to within a factor of nδ in polynomial time,
for some fixed δ > 0. (More recently, H˚ astad [H96] showed that if
SAT does not have randomized polynomial-time algorithms, then CLIQUE cannot be
approximated to within a factor n1−δ , for every δ > 0.)
Others problems, such as those related to graph separators [LR88], have
algorithms with approximation ratios close to O(log n). No inapproximability
results are known for them. MAX-SN P problems, such as MAX-CUT or MAX-3-SAT,
can be approximated to within some fixed constant factor but no better [PY91,
ALM+ 92]. Only a few problems, such as KNAPSACK [S75] and BIN PACKING [FL81],
are known to have polynomial time approximation schemes (PTASs). A PTAS is an
algorithm that, for every fixed ǫ > 0, achieves an approximation ratio of
1 + ǫ in time that is polynomial in the input size (but could grow very fast
with 1/ǫ, such as O(n1/ǫ )). A PTAS thus allows us to trade off
approximation accuracy for running time. (In the previous definition, if the
runningtime is polynomial in 1/ǫ as well, then we
Princeton University. Supported by an NSF CAREER
Award NSF CCR-9502747 and an Alfred Sloan Fellowship. email: arora@cs.princeton.edu.
URL: https://www.cs.princeton.edu/~arora MIT Laboratory for Computer Science.
Work done at AT&T Bell Laboratories. email: karger@lcs.mit.edu URL:
https://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~karger University
of Bonn. Supported in
part by the International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, California, by
the DFG Grant KA 673/4-1, ESPRIT BR Grants 7097, 21726, and EC-US 030, and by
the Max-Planck Research Prize. Email: marek@cs.bonn.edu , URL:
have a fully polynomial time approximation scheme. These are known to exist for
a few problems [GJ79, DFK91, KLM89].) Unfortunately, recent results ([ALM+ 92])
show that if P = N P, then PTASs do not exist for many N P-hard problems. In
particular, this is is true for every MAX-SN P-hard problem. (The class of
MAX-SN P-hard problems includes VERTEX COVER, MAX-3SAT, MAX-CUT, METRIC TSP,
MULTIWAY CUTS, and many others [PY91].) Note that the inapproximability results
mentioned above, like all N P-hardness results, rule out approximation only on
worst case instances of the problem. They do not rule out the existence of
algorithms (heuristics) that do well on most instances. This observation is the
starting pointof our research. This paper gives PTASs for a large class of N
P-hard problems when the problem instance is dense. The definition of
denseness depends on the problem; for example, dense graphs are graphs with
Ω(n2 ) edges while dense 3-SAT formulas are those with Ω(n3 )
clauses. Note that almost all graphs (asymptotically speaking) are dense, as
are almost all 3-SAT instances. The design of many (but not all) of our PTASs
relies on the observation that many optimization problems can be phrased as
nonlinear integer programs in which the objective function is a low degree polynomial.
For dense problems, the optimum value of the objective function is quite large.
Thus, to achieve a multiplicative approximation for dense instances it suffices
to achieve an additive approximation for the nonlinear integer programming
problem. We design such an additive approximation algorithm (see Sections 1.2
and 1.3). In the remainder of this introduction, we describe the problems we
solve and sketch our solution techniques.
Applicable Optimization Problems
We now describe the problems to which we apply our techniques. The reader will
note that the problems span a broad spectrum. Some, like maximum cut and
maximum ksatisfiability, are MAX-SN P-complete. Thus they do not have PTASs on
general (that is, non-dense) instances [ALM+ 92], but they can all be
approximatedwithin some constant factor in polynomial time [PY91]. Others, like
graph bisection and separation, do not currently have any algorithms with
approximation ratios better than O(log n) on general instances. It is an open
problem whether they are hard to approximate. MAX-CUT: Partition the vertices
of an undirected graph into two groups so as to maximize the number of edges
with exactly one endpoint in each group. An algorithm in [GW94] achieves an
approximation ratio of 1.13 for the problem. MAX-DICUT: The directed version of
the MAX-CUT problem. An algorithm in [FG95] (improving [GW94]) achieves an
approximation ratio of 1.15. MAX-HYPERCUT(d): A generalization of MAX-CUT to
hypergraphs of dimension d; an edge is considered cut if it has at least one
endpoint on each side. SEPARATOR: Partition the vertices of a graph into two
groups, each with at least 1/3 of the vertices, so as to minimize the number of
edges with exactly one endpoint in each group. An algorithm in [LR88] achieves
approximation ratio O(log n) (though it may produce a 1/4 : 3/4 separator
instead of a 1/3 : 2/3 separator). BISECTION: Partition the vertices of an
undirected graph into two equal halves so as to minimize the number of edges
with exactly one endpoint in each half. Some algorithms, for example using
eigenvalues [B87] or simulated annealing [JS93] do well on certain random
graphs(see also [BCLS84]). For worst-case inputs, no true approximation
algorithms are known. Some known bisection approximators (based upon
of [LR88]) yield separators whose capacity is within a factor O(log n) of the capacity
of the optimum bisection. Our algorithm gives an exact bisection. MAX-k-SAT:
Given a conjunctive normal form formula with k variables per clause, find a
true-false assignment to the variables making the maximum possible number of
clauses true. An algorithm in [Yan92] achieves an approximation ratio of 1.33
for the problem. Improved algorithms have since been given for MAX-3-SAT; an
approximation ratio of 8/7 + ǫ is achieved in [KZ97]. It also known that
achieving an approximation ratio of 8/7 − ǫ is N P-hard [H97].
MIN-k-CUT: Given an n-vertex graph, remove a minimum set of edges that
partitions the graph into k connected components. Saran and Vazirani [SV91]
gave a (2 − 2/k)approximation algorithm. The variant k-terminal cut
problem specifies k vertices that must all be disconnected from each other by
the removal of the edges. Dalhaus et al. [DJP+ 94] give an algorithm that
achieves an approximation ratio of (2 − 2/k). DENSE-k-SUBGRAPH: Given a
graph, find a subset of k vertices that induces a graph with the most edges.
This problem was studied in [KP93], where an approximation algorithm with ratio
n7/18 was presented.3-COLORING: Color the vertices of a graph with 3 colors
such that no two adjacent vertices have the same color. Application of our
techniques to this problem yields a result already shown in [Edw86]. MAX-SN P:
The class of constant factor approximable problems defined in [PY91]. We now
define a natural notion of dense instance for each problem. (The definition
of dense instances for the class MAX-SN P appears in Section 4.4, where we also
describe a PTAS for them.) Exact optimization on dense instances is N P-hard
for all problems except MIN-k-CUT and 3-COLORING (see Section 7). Definition
1.1. A graph is δ-dense if it has δn2 /2 edges. It is
everywhere-δ-dense if the minimum degree is δn. We abbreviate
Ω(1)-dense as dense and everywhere-Ω(1)-dense as everywhere-dense.
Thus everywhere-dense implies dense, but not vice versa. Similarly, a k-SAT
formula is dense if it has Ω(nk ) clauses, and a dimension-d hypergraph if
it has Ω(nd ) edges. Theorem 1.2. There are PTASs for everywhere-dense
instances of BISECTION and SEPARATOR. Theorem 1.3. There are PTASs for dense
instances of the following problems: MAX-CUT, MAX-DICUT, MAX-k-SAT for any
constant k, DENSE-k-SUBGRAPH for k = Ω(n), MAX-HYPERCUT(d) for constant d,
and any MAX-SN Pproblem. Theorem 1.4. Exact algorithms exist on everywhere-dense
graphs for MIN-k-CUT when k = o(n) and for 3-COLORING. Remark. The3-COLORING
result is not newsee [Edw86]but does follow from a direct application of our
general technique
Our Methods
Our heuristics are based upon two main ideas: exhaustive sampling and its use
in approximation of polynomial integer programs. We discuss these ideas in the
context of the maximum cut problem (MAX-CUT), one of the problems to which our
techniques apply. The goal in MAX-CUT is to partition the vertices of a given graph
into two groups called the left and right sidesso as to maximize the number
of edges with an endpoint 3
on each side. Notice that in the optimum solution, every vertex has the
majority of its neighbors on the opposite side of the partition (else, it would
improve the cut to move the vertex to the other side). Thus, if we knew where
the neighbors of each vertex lay, we would know where to put each vertex. This
argument may seem circular, but the circularity can be broken (in dense graphs)
by the following exhaustive sampling approach. Suppose we take a sample of
O(log n) vertices. By exhaustively trying all possible (i.e., 2O(log n) )
placements of the vertices in the sample, we will eventually guess where each
vertex of the sample belongs in the optimum cut. Since there are 2O(log n) =
nO(1) possibilities, we can afford to try every one of them in polynomial
time. So assume we have partitioned the sampledvertices correctly according to
the optimal cut. Now consider some unsampled vertex. If a majority of its
neighbors belong on the right side of the optimum cut, then we expect that a
majority of its sampled neighbors will be from the right side of the optimum
cut. This suggests the following scheme: put each unsampled vertex on the side
opposite the majority of its sampled neighbors. This scheme works well for
vertices whose opposite-side neighbors significantly outnumber their same-side
neighbors. More problematic are vertices for which the neighbors split evenly
between the two sides; sampling will not typically give us confidence about
the majority side. This brings us to the second major idea of our paper:
approximately solving nonlinear integer programs. Define a variable xi for
vertex i which is 1 if the vertex is on the right side of a cut and 0
otherwise. Then finding a maximum cut corresponds to finding a 0-1 assignment
that maximizes the following function (where E is the edge set of the graph):
To see this, note that the formula counts, for every vertex i on the right side
of the cut, the number of edges leading from it to neighbors j on the left side
of the cut. Of course, solving even linear integer programs is N P-complete,
and the above program involves a quadratic objective function. However, we show
that exhaustive sampling can be used toapproximately maximize such functions,
and more generally, to approximately solve integer programs in which the
constraints and objective involve low-degree polynomials instead of linear
functions. We state our main approximation result in the next section. Most of
our approximation algorithms are more properly viewed as algorithms that
compute an additive approximation (see Section 1.3). For example, our algorithm
for MAX-CUT computes, for every graph, a cut of capacity at least OP T −
ǫn2 , where ǫ is any desired constant. Such an approximation is also within a
small multiplicative factor of the optimum in a dense graph (i.e., one with
Ω(n2 ) edges) because OP T = Ω(n2 ) for such graphs (this follows
from our earlier observation that in an optimum cut, every vertex is on the
opposite side from a majority of its neighbors). However, our algorithms for
BISECTION and SEPARATOR are not additive approximation algorithms.
(i,j) E
(1 − xj ) .
Smooth Integer Programs
Many existing approximation algorithms for N P-hard problems are based on
representation of the problem as a linear integer program (LIP). All problems
in N P have such formulations since solving LIPs is N P-complete. Many problems
have natural formuations as LIPs that give insight into their structure and
lead to approximation algorithms. But formulation as a LIP masks thetrue nature
of many other problemsin particular, an approximately optimum solution to the
LIP may correspond to a far from optimum solution to the original optimization
problem. A more natural formulation involves nonlinear integer program in which
the objective function is a low degree polynomial. Most of our PTASs for dense
problems are derived from such a representation. We solve a general class of
optimization problems in which the objective function and the constraints are
polynomials. 4
Definition 1.5. A polynomial integer program (or PIP) is of the form maximize
p0 (x1 , . . . , xn ) subject to li ≤ pi (x) ≤ ui xi (1) (2) (3)
(i = 1, . . . , m) i ≤ n
where p0 , . . . , pm are polynomials. (The PIP could involve minimization
instead of maximization.) When all pi have degree at most d, we call this
program a degree d PIP. Since they subsume integer programs, it is clear that
solving PIPs is N P-hard. One might hope to define a more tractable class by
eliminating the integrality requirement, but this accomplishes nothing since
the 01 integrality of xi can be enforced by the quadratic constraint xi (xi −
1) = 0. We now describe a class of PIPs that are easy to approximate. Definition
1.6. An n-variate, degree-d polynomial has smoothness c if the absolute value
of each coefficient of each degree i monomial (term) is at most c nd−i
.Remark. The reader should think of c and d as being fixed constants, and n as
being allowed to grow. We call the resulting family of polynomials a family of
c-smooth degree d polynomials. Definition 1.7. A c-smooth degree-d PIP is a
PIP in which the objective function and constraints are c-smooth polynomials
with degree at most d. Smooth integer programs can represent many combinatorial
problems in a natural way. We illustrate this using MAX-CUT as an example.
Example 1.8. A degree-2 polynomial with smoothness c has the form aij xi xj +
bi xi + d
where each |aij | ≤ c, |bi | ≤ cn, |d| ≤ cn2 . We show how to
formulate MAX-CUT on the graph G = (V, E) using a 2-smooth integer program.
Define a variable xi for each vertex vi . Then, assign 0, 1 values to the xi
(in other words, find a cut) so as to maximize (xi (1 − xj ) + xj (1 −
xi )).
(Notice that an edge contributes 1 to the sum when xi = xj and 0
otherwise. Thus the sum is equal to the cut value.) Expanding the sum shows
that the coefficients of the quadratic terms are 0 and −2 while the
coefficients of the linear terms are at most n. Now we can state our general
theorem about approximation of smooth integer programs. Definition 1.9. A
solution a is said to satisfy a constraint li ≤ pi (x) ≤ ui to
within an additive error δ if li − δ ≤ pi (a) ≤ ui
+ δ. Theorem 1.10. There is a randomizedpolynomial-time algorithm that
approximately solves smooth PIPs, in the following sense. Given a feasible
c-smooth degree d PIP with n variables, objective function p0 and K
constraints, the algorithm finds a 0/1 solution z satisfying p0 (z1 , . . . ,
zn ) ≥ OP T − ǫnd ,
where OPT is the optimum of the PIP. This solution z also satisfies each
degree d′ constraint ′ to within an additive factor of ǫnd for d′
> 1, and satisfies each linear constraint to within √ an additive
error of O(ǫ n log n). The running time of the algorithm is O((dKnd )t ),
where t = 4c2 e2 d2 /ǫ2 = O(1/ǫ2 ). The algorithm can be derandomized (i.e.,
made deterministic), while increasing the running time by only a polynomial
factor. Remark. The statement of the theorem can be stronger: the input PIP
does not need to be feasible, but only approximately feasible (that is, there
must be a point that satisfies each ′ degree d′ constraint to
within an additive error ǫ′ nd for some ǫ′ < ǫ/2.) Theorem
1.10 underlies almost all of our PTASs. However, our PTASs for BISECTION and
MIN-k-CUT require some additional ideas since an additive approximation is not
good enough.
Related Work
There are known examples of problems that are seemingly easier to approximate
in dense graphs than in general graphs. For instance, in graphs with degree
exceeding n/2, one can find Hamiltonian cycles [P`and approximate the number
of perfect matchings [JS89]. In 76] everywhere-dense graphs it is easy to
approximate the values of the Tutte polynomial and, as a special case, to
estimate the reliability of a network [AFW94]. Independent of our work,
Fernandez de la Vega [FdlV94] developed a PTAS for everywheredense MAX-CUT
using exhaustive sampling principles similar to ours. After sampling and
guessing, Fernandez de la Vega replaces our linear-programming solution with a
greedy placement procedure. While this procedure is significantly simpler than
ours (at least conceptually; the running time is still dominated by the
exhaustive sampling procedure and is similar to ours), it is not obvious (and
is an interesting open question) whether the procedure can generalize to the
other problems we have listed. Edwards [Edw86] shows how to 3-color a 3-colorable
everywhere-dense graph in polynomial time. Our sampling approach gives an
alternative algorithm. A random-sampling based approach related to ours also
appears in [KP92]. In the last section of the paper (Section 8) we describe
some results related to our work that have been discovered since the conference
presentation of the current paper.
Paper Organization
In Section 2 we give details of the main ideas of our approach, exhaustive
sampling and transforming polynomial constraints into linearconstraints,
already sketched in Sections 1.2 and 1.3. We continue to use MAX-CUT as a
motivating example. In Section 3 we generalize these techniques to derive our
(additive error) approximation algorithm for any smooth polynomial integer
program (PIP). In Section 4, we use these PIPs to approximate most of the
problems listed in Section 1.1. Solving BISECTION and SEPARATOR requires some
additional exhaustive sampling ideas that are explained in Section 5. In
Section 6, we describe some problems that can be solved purely by exhaustive
sampling, with no recourse to PIPs. Finally, in Section 7, we confirm that all
of the problems we are approximating are still N P-complete when restricted to
dense instances, demonstrating that an exact solution is unlikely.
Our Techniques: An overview
In this section we introduce our two major techniques, exhaustive sampling and
reducing degree d constraints to linear constraints (in an approximate sense)
to give a PTAS for dense MAX-CUT. 6
First we express MAX-CUT as a quadratic integer program as follows. Let the 0/1
vector x be the characteristic vector of a cut, i.e., xi = 1 iff i is on the
right side. Let N (i) be the set of neighbors of vertex i, and let ri (x) =
j N
(1 − xj )
be the linear function denoting the number of number of neighbors of i that are
on the left side of cut x. Then MAX-CUT = max i xi ri (x) s.t. xi i
The above formulation looks a lot like an integer linear program, for which
numerous approximation techniques are known. Unfortunately, the coefficients
ri (x) in the objective function are not constantsthe program is actually a
quadratic program. However, exhaustive sampling lets us estimate the value
these coefficients have in the optimum solution. We arrive at our approximation
in three steps: 1. Using exhaustive sampling, we estimate the values of ri (a)
at the optimum solution a = (a1 , . . . , an ). See Section 2.1. 2. We replace
each function ri by the corresponding estimate of ri (a). This turns the
quadratic program into a linear (integer) program. We show that optimum of this
linear integer program is near-optimum for the quadratic program. See Section
2.2. 3. We solve the fractional relaxation of the linear integer program, and
use randomized rounding to convert the solution into an integer one. We show
that this does not dramatically change the solution value. See Section 2.3. A
comment on notation: Throughout the paper, we will use a b where a and b are
real numbers, as a shorthand for the interval [a − b, a + b].
Estimating Coefficients
We begin by using exhaustive sampling to estimate the values ri (a) at the
optimum solution a. Let a be the optimum cut and let ρi = ri (a). Then a
is the solutionto the following integer linear program: MAX-CUT = max i xi
ρi s.t. xi i
ri (x) = ρi
Of course, the usefulness of this observation is unclear, since we dont know
the values ρi . We show, however, that it is possible to compute an
additive error estimate of the ρi in polynomial time, in other words, a
set of numbers ei such that ρi − ǫn ≤ ei ≤ ρi +
ǫn i.
This can be done using our exhaustive sampling approach. We take a random
sample of O(log n) vertices. By exhaustively trying all possible (i.e., 2O(log
n) = nO(1) ) placements of the vertices in the sample, we will eventually guess
a placement wherein each vertex is placed as it would be in the optimum cut. So
we can assume that we have guessed the values aj in the optimum cut for all
the sampled vertices j. Now consider any unsampled vertex i. If it has |N (i)|
= Ω(n) neighbors, then with high probability, Θ(log n) of its
neighbors are part 7
of the random sample (high probability means probability 1 − n−Ω(1)
). A moments thought shows that these neighbors form a uniform random sample
from N (i). Hence by examining the fraction of sampled neighbors on the left
hand side of the cut (namely, neighbors for which aj = 0) we can obtain an
estimate of ri (a)/ |N (i)| that is correct to within a small additive factor.
This follows from the following sampling lemma. Lemma 2.1(Sampling Lemma). Let
(ai ) be a sequence of n numbers, each with absolute value at most M . Let f
> 0 be any number. If we choose a multiset of s = g log n of the ai at
random (with replacement), then their sum q satisfies qn s with probability at
least 1 − n−f . Proof. Let s = g log n. For j = 1, . . . , s let Xj
be the random variable denoting the number picked in the j th draw. Since the
numbers are drawn with replacement, the values Xj are identically distributed,
and n 1 aj . E[Xj ] = n j=1 Since |Xj | ≤ M by hypothesis, the lemma now
follows from the standard Hffding bound o [H64]. For MAX-CUT, our goal is to
estimate the values ρi of the form j N (i) (1 − aj ). First, if any |N (i)| ≤
ǫn/10, we use the estimate 0 for ρi . To estimate ρi for the
remaining i, we randomly choose (with replacement) g log n indices with g =
O(1/ǫ3 ), and guess their values by exhaustively trying all possibilities.
Since each aj = 0 or 1, we can take M = 1 in the Sampling Lemma. The Sampling
Lemma shows that for each i, the probability is at least 1 − 1/n2 that
the following happen (i) Ω(log n/ǫ2 ) of the sampled vertices lie in N
(i) (note that the conditional distribution of these vertices is uniform) and
(ii) the estimate for ρi produced using this sample is accurate to within
ǫn. ai nM f g
Linearizing the Quadratic Integer Program
Now we use thecoefficient estimates to define an integer linear program whose
solutions are near-optima for MAX-CUT. Given the estimates ei just derived for
the values ρi , we write the following linear integer program. Note that
it is feasible, since a satisfies it (assuming our sampling step in the
previous section worked). NEW-OPT = max i xi ei s.t. xi i ei − ǫn ≤
ri (x) ≤ ei − ǫn
(Recall that each ri (x) is a linear function of x, so the given constraints
are linear constraints.) We claim that the optimum solution z to this integer
linear program is near-optimum for MAX-CUT. This can be seen as follows:
zi ri (z) ≥ ≥ ≥ ≥ ≥
zi (ei − ǫn) zi ei − ǫn2 ai ei − ǫn2 ai (ρi −
ǫn) − ǫn2 ai ρi − 2ǫn2
By the constraints (5)
Since z is integer optimum from (4)
= MAX-CUT − 2ǫn2 In other words, the optimum of the integer program is a
near-optimum solution to MAXCUT.
Approximating the Linear Integer Program
Of course, we cannot exactly solve the integer linear program just derived. But
we can compute an approximate solution to it as follows. We relax the
integrality constraints, allowing 0 ≤ xi ≤ 1. We use linear programming
to obtain the fractional optimum, say y [0, 1]n , and then use randomized rounding to
convert the fractional solution to an integral one of roughly the same value.
The key lemma is the following: Lemma 2.2(Randomized Rounding). If c and f are
positive integers and 0 < ǫ < 1, then the following is true for any
integers n ≥ 0. Let y = (yi ) be a vector of n variables, 0 ≤ yi ≤
1, that satisfies a certain linear constraint aT y = b, where each |ai | ≤
c. Construct a vector z = (zi ) randomly by setting zi = 1 with probability yi
and 0 with probability 1 − yi . Then with probability at least 1 −
n−f , we have aT z b c f n ln n We can apply this lemma to our
problem as follows. Give our fractional solution y, let us apply randomized
rounding as in the lemma to yield an integral solution z. We claim that with
high probability, √ (6) ri (z) ri (y) O( n ln n) zi ri (y) yi ri (y) O(n3/2 ln n)
(7) Specifically, to derive Equations (6) and (7) from Lemma 2.2, note that
each ri (x) is a linear function with 01 coefficients and that each ri (y) is
at most n. We use these equations as follows. The analysis of the previous
section showed that the integral optimum of our derived linear program was near
the maximum cut value, so the fractional optimum y can only be better. That is,
yi ri (y) ≥ MAX-CUT − 2ǫn2 . We now use our randomized rounding
lemma. We have that √ zi ri (z) ≥ zi (ri (y) − O( n ln n)) ≥
≥ zi ri (y) − O(n3/2 ln n) yi ri (y) − O(n3/2 ln n) From (7)
From (6)
≥ MAX-CUT − (2ǫ + o(1))n
This finishes the overview of our algorithm for MAX-CUT. 9
Approximating Smooth Integer Programs
We now generalize the results of the previous section to handle arbitrary
polynomial integer programs (PIPs). We describe an algorithm that computes approximate
solutions to smooth PIPs of low degree, thus proving Theorem 1.10. We use the
fact that smooth PIPs can be recursively decomposed into smooth lower-degree
PIPs. This lets us apply ideas similar to those described in Section 2 for
MAX-CUT. In a PIP the objective function and constraints are low degree
polynomials (degree 2 in the case of MAX-CUT). We use exhaustive sampling to
convert such polynomial integer programs into linear integer programs. Then we
use the Raghavan-Thompson technique to approximately solve the linear integer
program. We will see shortly that we can assume without loss of generality that
we are dealing with the feasibility version of a PIPthat is, we are given a
feasible PIP and out goal is to find an approximately feasible integer
solution. Our general algorithm has the same three elements as the one for
MAX-CUT: 1. We show in Section 3.2 that we can relax the integrality
conditions, since we can use randomized rounding to convert every feasible
fractional solution of a PIP into a feasible integral solution. 2. In Section
3.3, we generalize the sampling theorem, which applies only to sums, to let us
estimate the values ofpolynomials. 3. We show in Section 3.4 that we can use
our estimates to convert degree d constraints into linear constraints without
affecting feasibility. We begin in Section 3.1 with some basic observations.
Basic Observations
We begin with a few basic observations that we will use at various times in the
proof. 3.1.1 A Polynomial Decomposition
Our PIP algorithms are basically recursive generalizations of the approach for
MAX-CUT. They rely on the following key observation that lets us decompose any
polynomial into simpler polynomials: Lemma 3.1. A c-smooth polynomial p of
degree d can be written as p(x) = t + xi pi (x)
where t is a constant and each pi is a c-smooth polynomial of degree d −
1. Proof. From each monomial term in the expansion of p, pull out one variable
xi . Group all monomials from which xi was extracted into pi . Every degree d′
term in pi corresponds to ′ ′ a degree d′ + 1 term in p, and
thus has coefficient at most cnd−(d +1) = cn(d−1)−d . Thus,
since pi has degree (at most) d − 1, it is a c-smooth degree d − 1
polynomial. Remark. The above analysis also shows that we can express p
uniquely as a sum p(x) = t + xi pi (xi , . . . , xn ),
that is, where each pi depends only on variables with index i or greater.
The decomposition of a degree d polynomial into degree d − 1 polynomials
gives us a natural recursionthrough which we can generalize our quadratic
programming techniques. By computing an estimate ρi of the value of pi (x)
at the optimum solution, we replace the degree-d constraint p with a single
constraint on xi ρi together with a family of constraints on the values pi
(x). We then recursively expand these degree d − 1 constraints,
continuing until all of our constraints are linear. To estimate the values pi
(x), we again rely on the expansion above: we expand pi in xj pij (x),
recursively estimate the pij terms of degree d − 2 polynomials, writing
pi (x) = values, and then use exhaustive sampling to estimate p based on the
values of the pij . After constructing the required linear integer program, we
solve its fractional relaxation and use randomized rounding as before to
transform the solution into an integral solution. To prove that randomized
rounding works, we again use the decompositionwe show that xi pi (x) is also
preserved. each pi (x) is roughly preserved by rounding, and deduce that 3.1.2
Reducing Optimization to Feasibility
We can reduce PIP optimization to the corresponding feasibility problem (Is
there a feasible solution such that the objective exceeds a given value?)
using binary search in the usual way. This uses the fact that the optimum value
of a PIP is not too large, as shown in the following lemma (which will also be
useful later).Lemma 3.2. If n > d, then the absolute value of a c-smooth
polynomial at any point in [0, 1]n is at most 2cend (where ln e = 1). Proof.
For 0 ≤ i ≤ d the polynomial has at most n+i terms of degree i, and
each has a i coefficient in [−cnd−i , cnd−i ]. Thus an upper
bound on the absolute value at any point in [0, 1]n is
d i=0
n+i i
n+d i
≤ cnd
≤ cn e which is at most cend (1 + 2d/n) < 2cend for n > 5d.
i=0 d 1+d/n
n+d i 1 ) n i!
Rounding Fractional PIPs
We begin with the final step of our algorithm, rounding a fractional solution
to an integral one. We present this section first since it is more
straightforward than the following ones but conveys the same ideas. As we saw
in Section 2.3, Raghavan and Thompson [RT87] show that given a fractional
solution to a linear program, we can round it into an integer solution that is
almost as good. We rephrased their result in Lemma 2.2. We now modify the
Raghavan-Thompson technique to show in Lemma 3.3 that a similar result is true
for low degree polynomials. In other words, we show that the value of a
c-smooth polynomial at a point in [0, 1]n is not too different from its value
at a nearby integral point obtained by randomized rounding. Lemma 3.3
(Randomized Rounding for degree d polynomials). Let p be a c-smooth degree-d
polynomial. Givenfractional values (yi ) such that p(y1 , . . . , yn ) = b,
suppose randomized rounding is performed on the yi as in Lemma 2.2 to yield a
0, 1 vector (zi ). Then with probability at least 1 − nd−f , we
have 1√ p(z1 , . . . , zn ) b gdnd− 2 ln n , 11
√ where g = 2ce f . Proof. We use induction on the degree. The case d = 1
follows from Lemma 2.2. Now assume we have proved the Lemma for all integers
less than d, and p is a degree d polynomial. As argued in Section 3.1, we can
express p as
p(x1 , . . . , xn ) =
xi pi (x1 , . . . , xn ) + t,
where t is a constant and pi is a c-smooth polynomial of degree at most d −
1. Let ρi denote the value pi (y1 , . . . , yn ). Then b = p(y1 , . . . ,
yn )
= t+
ρi yi .
Let (z1 , . . . , zn ) n be obtained by randomized rounding on (y1
, . . . , yn ). Our proof consists of noticing that with high probability, (zi
) satisfies both b ≈ i ρi zi (by Lemma 2.2) and i ≤ n : ρi ≈
pi (z1 , . . . , zn ) (by induction for degree d − 1). Then we realize
that any such (zi ) also satisfies b ≈ p(z1 , . . . , zn ). Let us
formalize this idea. Note that |ρi | ≤ 2cend−1 by Lemma 3.2.
So we can apply Lemma 2.2 (replacing c by 2cend−1 ). We find that with
probability at least 1−n−f (recalling that the notation a b is
shorthand for the interval [a − b, a + b]),
n i=1
√ ρi zi b gnd−1 n ln n.
Furthermore, the inductive hypothesis implies that for each i ≤ n, the
probability is at least 1 − nd−f −1 that 1√ (10) pi (zi
, . . . , zn )
ρi g(d − 1)nd−1− 2 ln n Hence we conclude that with
probability at least 1 − nd−f − n−f ≈ 1 −
nd−f , the event mentioned in Condition (10) happens for each i ≤
n, and so does the event mentioned in Condition (9). Of course, when all these
events happen, we have:
p(z1 , . . . , zn ) = t +
zi pi (z1 , . . . , zn ) by (10)
√ zi (ρi g(d − 1)nd−1−1/2 ln n) √ t+ zi ρi g(d −
1)nd−1/2 ln n √ √ = b gnd−1 n ln n g(d − 1)nd−1/2
ln n 1√ = [b gdnd− 2 ln n]
by (9)
Hence we have shown that p(z1 , . . . , zn ) [b gdnd− 2 1 − nd−f .
ln n] with probability at least
Estimating the Value of a Polynomial
Having shown how to round a fractional solution to an integral one, we now show
how to find an approximately optimal fractional solution by solving a linear
program. As discussed above, our procedure for replacing the constraint on p(x)
by linear constraints requires 12
estimating the values at the optimum a of the coefficients pi (a) in the
expansion p(a) = ai pi (a). In this section, we show how this estimation can be
accomplished by exhaustive sampling. We describe a procedure Eval in Figure 3.3
that can approximate the value of ac-smooth degree d polynomial p(x1 , . . . ,
xn ) on any unknown 0/1 vector (a1 , . . . , an ), given only partial
information about (a1 , . . . , an ). The algorithm is given the values ai for
O(log n) randomly-chosen indices i, and outputs an estimate that, with high
probability, lies in p(a1 , . . . , an ) ǫnd . To simplify our exposition
later we describe the procedure more generally as using a (multi)set of indices
. Algorithm Eval(p, S, ) polynomial p of degree at most d, set of
variables indices S, ai for i S. Output: estimate for p(a1 , . . . , an ). if
deg(p) = 0 (i.e., p is a constant) then return p else write p(x1 , . . . , xn )
= t + xi pi (x1 , . . . , xn ) where t is a constant and each pi has degree at
most d − 1 for each i S ei ←Eval(pi , S, ) return n ai ei t+
i S
Figure 1: The approximate evaluation algorithm Note that if S =
then the procedure returns p(a1 , . . . , an ). We will show that in order to
get an additive approximation of the type we are interested in, it suffices to
choose S randomly and of size O(log n). We use the Sampling Lemma (2.1) as the
base case in our inductive proof of the correctness of Eval. Lemma 3.4. Let p
be a c-smooth polynomial of degree d in n variables xi , and let a1 , . . . ,
. Let S be a set of O(g log n) indices chosenrandomly (with replacement).
Then with probability at least 1 − nd−f , set S is such that
Eval(p, S, ) returns a value in p(a1 , . . . , an ) ǫnd
, where ǫ = 4ce f . g
Proof. The proof is by induction on d. The case d = 0 is clear. For the
inductive step let ρi = pi (ai , . . . , an ), so we have
p(a1 , . . . , an ) = t +
ai ρi
The intuition for why Evals output should approximate p(a1 , . . . , an ) is
as follows. Each pi has degree at most d−1, so the inductive hypothesis
implies that ei ≈ ρi . Thus the output
of eval is t+ n |S| ai ei ≈ t + ≈t+ n |S|
i S
i S
ai ρi
(by the inductive hypothesis) (by the Sampling Lemma)
ai ρi
It remains to fill in the details, and to deal with the complication that the
errors in our recursive estimates of the ρi accumulate into the error for
our estimate of p(a1 , . . . , an ). Our sample has size g log n. By Lemma 3.2,
each |ρi | ≤ 2cend−1 . Hence the Sampling Lemma implies that
with probability 1 − n−f the set S is such that n |S| ai ρi ai ρi 2ce f g nd
i S
Of course, we do not have the values ρi . However, we do have the values
ei =Eval(pi , S, ). To see the impact of using them instead, let
ǫd denote the smallest number such that for every c-smooth degree d polynomial
p and point a
n Pr[Evalcomputes an estimate within p(a) ǫd nd ] ≥ 1 − nd−f
We get an recurrence for ǫd as follows. By definition, Eval estimates any
particular ρi to within ǫd−1 nd−1 with probability 1 −
n(d−1)−f . Thus all n values ρi are estimated to within this
bound with probability 1 − n n(d−1)−f = 1 − nd−f
. Combining with (12), we conclude that with probability at least 1 − nd−f
− n−f ≈ 1 − nd−f , set S is such that the
returned value n n ai ei t + ai ρi ǫd−1 nd−1 t+ |S|
i S
i S
n |S|
i S
ai ρi
ǫd−1 nd−1 f d n g
n |S| ǫd−1 d n |S| nd nd . by (12)
ai ρi 2ce 2ce
ai ρi
ǫd−1 f + g |S| f ǫd−1 + g |S|
= p(a1 , . . . , an ) It follows that ǫd ≤ 2ce ≤ 2ce ≤ 4ce
for |S| > 1. f ǫd−1 + g |S|
f (1 + |S|−1 + + |S|−d ) g f g
Corollary 3.5. With probability 1−nd−f over the choice of S, the
Eval procedure accurately estimates the values of all the polynomials arising
from the decomposition of polynomial p ′ (that is, estimates every
degree-d′ polynomial to within ǫd′ nd ). Proof. This is implicit in
the previous proof. Note that the decomposition of p is determined solely by p,
independent of the value of the optimum solution a that we are estimating.
Transforming Degree d Constraints to Linear Constraints
Using the estimates produced by Procedure Eval of Section 3.3 we cantransform
any polynomial constraint into a family of linear constraints, so that any
feasible solution to the linear constraints will approximately satisfy the
polynomial constraint as well. We use algorithm Linearize in Figure 3.4. Just
like Eval, the inputs to this procedure contain partial information about some
feasible solution vector (a1 , . . . , an ) n to the input constraint. Algorithm
Linearize(L ≤ p(x1 , . . . , xn ) ≤ U , S, , ǫ) constraint
involving polynomial p of degree d, lower bound L and upper bound U multiset of
variable indices S ai for each i S. Error parameter ǫ > 0. Output: A set of
linear constraints if p is linear then output the input constraint L ≤
p(x) ≤ U else write p(x1 , . . . , xn ) = t + xi pi (x1 , . . . , xn )
where t is a constant and each pi has degree at most d − 1 for i = 1 to n
ei ← Eval(pi , S, ) li ← ei − ǫnd−1 ui ←
ei + ǫnd−1 Linearize(li ≤ pi (x1 , . . . , xn ) ≤ ui , S,
, ǫ) output the constraint L − ǫnd ≤ t + xi ei ≤ U +
ǫnd Figure 2: Linearizing a Polynomial Constraint A simple induction shows
that the Procedure in Figure 3.4, when given a degree d constraint, outputs a
set of at most 1 + n + + nd−1 = O(nd−1 ) linear constraints.
The next two lemmas prove the correctness of this (probabilistic) reduction.
The first shows that with highprobability, the replacement equations are
jointly feasible. The second shows any feasible solution will be almost feasible
for the original constraint. Lemma 3.6. Let f, g, c > 0 be any constants.
Let Linearize be given an error parameter ǫ = 4ce f /g and a constraint
involving a c-smooth polynomial of degree d. Let (a1 , . . . , an ) n be a feasible
solution to the constraint. If S is a random sample of g log n variables
(picked with replacement), then with probability at least 1 − dnd−f
Procedure Linearize outputs a set of linear constraints that are satisfied by
(a1 , . . . , an ). Proof. Calling linearize with polynomial p results in
numerous recursive call, each of which (besides making other recursive calls)
outputs a constraint on some degree d′ polynomial 15 Input:
p′ . The boundaries li and ui for this constraint are determined by a
call to Eval involving polynomial p′ . Vector a satisfies this
constraint so long as li and ui satisfy li ≤ p(a) ≤ u, ′ and
this happens so long as ei p′ (a) ǫnd . So Linearize does the right
thing so long as every polynomial p′ arising in the recursions is
estimated accurately. But these polynomials are just the polynomials arising in
the recursive decomposition of the original polynomial p, and are all
encountered during a call to Eval(p). Corollary 3.5 says that all of these
polynomials are estimated towithin the desired bounds with probability 1 −
nd−f . Now we show that in the linear system output by Linearize, every
feasible solution is an approximate solution to the input constraint (note that
this statement involves no probabilities). The next lemma uses [x, y] a, where
x < y and a ≥ 0, as a shorthand for the interval [x − a, y + a].
Lemma 3.7. Every feasible solution (yi ) [0, 1]n to the set of linear constraints output by
Linearize satisfies the following (irrespective of what the set S is) p(y) [L, U ] 2dǫnd Proof.
By induction on d. The case d = 1 is clear, so consider the inductive step.
Since by assumption y is feasible for the entire set of output constraints, it
is feasible for the constraints output by each recursive call involving a
polynomial pi . It follows by the inductive hypothesis that for each i, pi (yi
, . . . , yn )
[li , ui ] 2(d − 1)ǫnd−1 . Substituting the values of li and ui
we get pi (y)
ei (2d − 1)ǫnd−1 Therefore, p(y) = t+ t+ yi pi (yi , . . . ,
yn ) yi (ei (2d − 1)ǫnd−1 ) yi ei (2d − 1)ǫnd (13)
[L, U ] ǫnd (2d − 1)ǫnd [L, U ] 2dǫnd
where Equation (13) follows from the fact that y is feasible for the constraint
that was output before recursion, namely t+ Thus the inductive step is
complete. xi ei
[L, U ] ǫnd .
Proof of the main theorem
The proof of Theorem 1.10 nowfollows easily. We have a feasible degree d PIP
with K constraints, where K = poly(n). Suppose (a1 , . . . , an ) is some
(unknown) feasible 0/1 solution and ǫ > 0 is some tolerance parameter. We
describe a probabilistic procedure that produces a 0/1 solution z that is
approximately feasible. That is, if L ≤ p(x) ≤ U was a degree d′
constraint in the input, then with high probability z satisfies it within an
error ǫnd , that is, L − ǫnd ≤ p(z) ≤ U + ǫnd . (We
indicate below how to derandomize the procedure.) Let f > 0 be such that nf ≈
2dKnd . We let ǫ′ = ǫ/2d, and g = 16c2 e2 f d2 /ǫ2 = O(/ǫ2 ). We pick
a random multiset S of O(g log n) variables and guess (by exhaustive
enumeration in 2g log n time) the values of ai for each i S. Then we use Procedure
Linearize with ′ error parameter ǫ′ to replace each degree d′
constraint with O(nd −1 ) linear constraints, thus obtaining a linear
system with O(Knd−1 ) constraints. Since (a1 , . . . , an ) is a feasible
solution to the PIP, Lemma 3.6 implies that the probability that the new system
is feasible is at least 1−dnd−f K > 1/2 . We solve the linear
system using a polynomial-time algorithm for linear programming in O((Knd−1
)3 ) time [K84]. Lemma 3.7 implies that the (fractional) solution thus obtained
is also a feasible solution for the original PIP, except for an additive error
2dǫ′ nd .Then we randomly round this fractional solution to a 0/1
solution; Lemma 3.3 implies that this increases the additive error by at most
O(nd−1/2 ln n) = o(nd ). Hence we have described a probabilistic
procedure that, with probability at least 1/2, produces a 0/1 solution that is
feasible for the PIP except for an additive error of 2ǫ′ dnd = ǫnd .
The procedure explores 2g log n exhaustive sampling possibilities and for each
spends at most O((Knd )3 ) time in generating the linear constraints and
solving them for each guess. The randomized rounding can be done in nearly
linear time. Noting that 2g log n = ng = (nf )4c
2 2 2
e d /ǫ2
≈ (2Knd )4c
2 2 2
e d /ǫ2
we conclude that this term dominates the running time.
Derandomizing the algorithm in Theorem 1.10 involves derandomizing its components,
Procedures Eval and Linearize. Those depend upon two randomized procedures:
Randomized Rounding (used in Lemma 3.3) and the Sampling Lemma. Raghavan
[Rag88] derandomized the former through the method of conditional
probabilities. Derandomizations of the Sampling Lemma appear in [BR94] and
[BGG93]. For example, instead of picking s = O(log n/ǫ2 ) variables
independently, it suffices to pick the variables whose indices are encountered
on a random walk of length O(log n/ǫ2 ) on a constant degree expander
[Gil93].For any fixed sampling experiment, the probably that such a walk works
is 1/nO(1) . Hence our algorithm can deterministically go through all such
walks (the number of such walks 2 is nO(1/ǫ ) since the expander has O(1)
degree). One of the walks is guaranteed to work correctly for all of the
poly(n) sampling experiments that our algorithms is interested in.
In this section we use our theorem on approximating constant-degree smooth
integer programs to construct PTASs for (dense instances of) many problems.
Most applications require approximating quadratic programs. Approximating dense
MAX-k-SAT requires approximating degree-k integer programs. In later sections
we will obtain PTASs for graph bisection and minimum k-way cut. These will
require some additional ideas, specifically, a different application of
exhaustive sampling.
Note that a δ-dense graph has at least δn2 edges. Thus the capacity k
of the maximum cut exceeds δn2 /2, since this is the expected size of a
cut obtained by randomly assigning each vertex to one side of the graph or the
other with equal probability. We already saw in
Example 1.8 how to represent MAX-CUT using c-smooth quadratic integer programs
with c = O(1). Using the approximation scheme for quadratic programs in Theorem
1.10, we 2 2 can in time nO(1/ǫ δ )find a cut of value at least c −
ǫδn2 /2 ≥ (1 − ǫ)k, in other words a (1 − ǫ)
approximation to the maximum cut. MAX-DICUT has a similar PTAS. Again, an
expectation argument shows that the maximum cut in a δ-dense graph exceeds
δn2 /4. The representation by a quadratic program is also similar; in the
quadratic program for MAX-CUT in Example 1.8 just replace (xi (1 − xj ) +
xj (1 − xi )) in the objective function by (1 − xi )xj . The PTAS
for dense MAX-HYPERCUT(d) is similarly obtained by modeling the problems as a
smooth degree-d PIP. For a given edge (set of vertices) S, we use the term 1 −
i S
xi − i S
(1 − xi ). This term is 1 if S is cut and zero otherwise.
Let k ≥ αn. If a graph is δ-dense, then a graph induced by a
random subset of k vertices contains α2 δn2 /2 edges on average.
Hence the densest subgraph contains at least α2 δn2 /2 edges. We can
express the DENSEST-k-SUBGRAPH as the optimum of the following quadratic
program. maximize subject to xi xj
n i=1 xi = k
Clearly this PIP is 1-smooth. From Theorem 1.10 we know how to find an
approximately √ √ n optimal 0, 1 vector x satisfying i=1 xi [k g n ln n]. Now we
move at most g n ln n vertices in or out to get √ subset of size k; this
affects the number of edges included in the a subgraph by at most gn n ln n =
o(n2 ). The reader may wonder ifour algorithm for DENSEST-SUBGRAPH has any
application to the CLIQUE problem. We do not see any connection. In fact,
approximating CLIQUE in dense graphs is N P-hard (this follows from the fact
that approximating INDEPENDENT SET in degree-5 graphs is N P-hard [ALM+ 92]).
A standard arithmetization method can be used to represent MAX-k-SAT as a
degree-k smooth IP. Let y1 , . . . , yn be the variables and m be the number of
clauses. Introduce 01 valued variables x1 , . . . , xn . For each i, 1 ≤
i ≤ n, replace each unnegated occurrence of variable yi by 1 − xi ,
each negated occurrence by xi , eachlogical by multiplication (over integers), and for each
clause subtract the resulting term from 1. This changes each clause into a
degree-k polynomial. To give an example, the clause y1 y2 y3 is replaced by the
term 1 − (1 − x1 )x2 (1 − x3 ). Now associate, in the obvious
way, 0, 1 assignments to the variables xi with truth assignments to the boolean
variables yi . Clearly, an assignment of values to the xi makes the term 1 if
the corresponding assignment to the yi makes the clause true, and 0 otherwise.
Let tj be the term obtained in this way from the jth clause. The following
degree-k program represents the MAX-k-SAT instance, and is smooth. maximize
subject to
j≤m tj (x1 , . . .
, xn ) i
Now suppose thenumber of clauses is m ≥ δnk . Let OPT be the maximum
number of clauses that any assignment can satisfy. Since the number of clauses
of size k is m−O(nk−1 ), and a random assignment satisfies each of
them with probability 1 − 2−k , we have OPT ≥ (1 − 2−k
)(m − O(nk−1 )). By approximating our PIP we can in time O(n2 OPT −
2ǫk nk ≥ (1 − ǫ)OPT clauses.
) find an assignment that satisfies
As pointed out in [PY91], problems such as MAX-CUT, MAX-k-SAT and MAX-HYPERCUT(d)
lie in a class called MAX-SN P, and actually in a subclass called MAX-SN P 0 in
[Pap94]. MAX-SN P 0 was defined using model theory, and it is unclear how to
define denseness for MAX-SN P 0 problems. In fact, problems such as vertex
cover are in MAX-SN P only if the degree of the graph is bounded. In this
section we give a plausible definition of denseness and show that under this
definition, all dense MAX-SN P 0 problems have a PTAS. Let MAX-k-FUNCTION-SAT
be the problem in which the input consists of m boolean functions f1 , f2 , . .
. , fm in n variables, and each fi depends only upon k variables. The objective
is to assign values to the variables so as to satisfy as many fi as possible.
As is well-known (see [Pap94], Theorem 13.8), a MAX-SN P 0 problem can be
viewed as a MAXk-FUNCTION-SAT problem for some fixed integer k. (An
alternative name for MAX-kFUNCTION-SAT isconstraint satisfaction problems
[KSW97].) We call an instance of a MAX-SN P 0 problem dense if the instance of
MAX-k-FUNCTIONSAT produced using it has Ω(nk ) functions. It is easily
checked that our earlier definitions of denseness were sub-cases of this
definition. Also, not all MAX-SN P problems have a dense version under this
definition; for example vertex cover is excluded. A slight modification of
the k-SAT technique of Section 4.3 shows that MAX-k-FUNCTIONSAT can be
represented by a smooth degree-k integer program, so it follows that dense
Dense MAX-SN P
In this section we describe a PTAS for BISECTION. Small modifications
described at the end give a PTAS for SEPARATOR. Consider a graph with minimum
degree δn for some δ > 0 and let k denote the capacity of the
minimum bisection. The PTAS consists of two different algorithms, one of which
is a PTAS when k ≥ αn2 , and the other when k < αn2 , where
α is a certain small constant. For k ≥ αn2 , we use our PIP
approximation algorithm to achieve an additive error at most ǫαn2 , so
that the capacity of the final bisection is at most (1 + ǫ)k. When k ≤
αn2 , such additive approximations do not suffice, and we give a
different algorithm. The algorithm uses exhaustive sampling to identify
vertices that have many neighbors on one side of the bisection, andplaces
them on that side. We show that this leaves only a small number of unplaced
neighbors, whose placement can be done greedily without significantly
disturbing the value of our solution.
Large Bisections
The algorithm for k ≥ αn2 is essentially our algorithm for
approximating smooth quadratic integer programs. We formulate graph bisection
using the same quadratic program as for MAX-CUT (see Example 1.8), except we
change maximize to minimize, and add the constraint xi = n/2. Applying our
main theorem gives us an assignment to the xi that makes the objective function
less than k + ǫn2 ≤ k(1 + ǫ/α). 19
There is one small problem: this 0, 1 assignment might not induce a bisection,
since it xi = n/2. However, randomized rounding only approximately satisfies
the constraint √ does guarantee there will√ n/2 ( n log n)
vertices on each side of the solution. Hence be we need to move only O( n log
n) vertices from one side to another in order to balance the cut. This affects
the bisection value by at most O(n1.5 log n) = o(n2 ).
Small Bisections
The case k ≤ αn2 is more difficult. We need the following lemma.
Lemma 5.1. In a minimum bisection, there is one side whose every degree-d
vertex has at most d/2 + 1 of its neighbors on the other side. Proof. If not,
then we can reduce the bisection value by picking from each side a vertex
thathas more than the allowed neighbors on the other side, and switching them.
Let Lopt and Ropt denote the sets of vertices on the two sides of a particular
minimum bisection. Without loss of generality, we will assume that Lopt is the
side referred to in Lemma 5.1. We now give a bisection algorithm in Figure 5.2.
For simplicity, we describe it as a randomized algorithm, although we can
easily derandomize it using the techniques mentioned earlier. Recall that
δ is the denseness of the problem.
1. Pick a set S of O((log n)/δ) vertices at random. 2. For each possible
partition of S into two sets (SL , SR ), construct a partition (L, R) as
follows. (a) Let T be the set of vertices that have more than 5/8 of their
sampled neighbors in SR . (b) Put T in R. (c) For each vertex v T , define bias(v) as
#(neighbors of v not in T ) − #(neighbors of v in T ). (d) Put the n/2 −
|T | vertices with the smallest bias into R. 3. Of all bisections found in the
previous step, output the one with the smallest value. Figure 3: The Bisection
Algorithm Now we prove the correctness of the algorithm. Since it exhaustively
tries all possible partitions of the vertices in the sample S, it also tries the
correct partition, which labels each of the vertices of S according to a
minimum bisection (Lopt , Ropt ) of the entire graph. From now on we call this
partition (SL , SR ) of Sspecial. We will show that with high probability (over
the choice of S) the special partition leads the algorithm to a near-optimum
graph bisection. Let T be the set constructed by the first step of the
algorithm using the special partition. The next lemma describes some useful
properties of T . Call a vertex radical-right if at least 3/4 of its neighbors
are in Ropt . Note (from Lemma 5.1) that every radical-right vertex must be in
Ropt . Lemma 5.2. With high probability (over the choice of S), T is a subset
of Ropt and contains every radical right vertex. 20
Proof. Let v be any vertex. Since its degree exceeds δn, the Sampling
Lemma implies that with high probability a random sample of size O((log
n)/δ) contains Θ(log n) neighbors of v. Conditioning on the number of
neighbors in the sample, these neighbors form an unbiased sample of that many
neighbors of v. Suppose v Lopt , and so has fewer than 1/2 of its neighbors
in Ropt . Then an application of the Sampling Lemma shows that in a random
sample of Θ(log n) neighbors of v, the probability that more than 5/8 of
them are in Ropt is n−Ω(1) . Hence the probability that v T is n−Ω(1) .
Now suppose v
Ropt has more than 3/4 of its neighbors in Ropt . An application of the
Sampling Lemma shows that in a random sample of O(log n) neighbors of v, the
probability that less than 5/8 of them are in Ropt isn−Ω(1) . Hence
the probability that v T is 1 − n−Ω(1) . The next lemma
says that with high probability, T has size close to n/2 and thus contains
almost all of Ropt . Lemma 5.3. If T satisfies the two conditions in Lemma 5.2
then |T | ≥
n 2
4k δn .
Proof. Every vertex in Ropt −T must have 1/4 of its neighbors in Lopt .
Let s = |Ropt − T | = n/2 − |T |. Then the value of the minimum
bisection is at least sδn/4, which by assumption is at most k. Hence s ≤
4k/(δn). We can now show that with high probability the algorithm produces
a bisection close to optimum. Theorem 5.4. Assuming k < αn2 , with high
probability (over the choice of S) the bisection produced by the special
partition has value at most k(1 + ǫ), where ǫ = 16α2 /δ 2 . Proof.
We measure the cost of extending T to a particular set of half the vertices.
For any set U
T , let din (U ) be twice the number of edges with both endpoints in U , and
let dout (T ) be the number of edges with exactly one endpoint in T . Further,
let bias(U ) be the sum of the biases of vertices in U . We claim that the
capacity of the bisection whose one side is T U is dout (T ) + bias(U ) − din (U ). (14)
To see this, note that the expression starts by counting all edges leaving T .
The bias term then subtracts the edges crossing from U to T while adding the
edges crossing from U to the other side of thecut. The bias term also
incorrectly adds (twice, once for each endpoint) the number of edges with both
endpoints in U , which do not cross the cut; however, this quantity is
subtracted by the din (U ) term, resulting in the correct quantity. With high
probability, the set T produced in the first phase satisfies the conditions
in Lemma 5.2. Hence T Ropt , and s = n/2 − |T | ≤
4k/(δn). Let Uopt = Ropt − T be the optimum set of s vertices
extending T to Ropt and let Uactual be the set of s vertices that the algorithm
actually picks to extend R. Since Uopt minimizes Equation (14), we know k =
dout (T ) + bias(Uopt ) − din (Uopt ). On the other hand, Uactual (since
it includes the s vertices with the smallest bias) minimizes bias(U ), and thus
also the expression dout (T ) + bias(U ). Thus the capacity of the bisection
whose one side is T Uactual is at most k + din (Uopt ) − din
(Uactual ), which is at most k + s2 ≤ k + (4k/(δn))2 . Since k <
αn2 the capacity is at most k(1 + 16α2 /δ 2 ). Corollary 5.5. If
a dense graph has bisection value O(n), the optimum bisection can be found in
polynomial time. Proof. From Lemma 5.3, there are O(1) vertices in Ropt −
T . These can be found by exhaustive search. 21
Corollary 5.6. There is a PTAS for the optimum separator of a dense graph.
Proof. Guess the number k of vertices on the left side of the separator
(bytrying all n/3 possibilities) and replace n/2 by k in the previous
discussion of bisection. If the minimum degree is not constrained, but the
average degree is Ω(n), our PIP approach still works for large bisection
values, but our other algorithm for small bisection values fails. In fact, as
shown in Section 7, approximating the minimum bisection for ǫ-dense graphs is
no easier than approximating it on general graphs.
Algorithms without PIPs
Occasionally, exhaustive sampling is sufficient to solve or approximately solve
a dense problem without recourse to PIPs. This was shown for MAX-CUT by
Fernandez de la Vega [FdlV94]. We have also seen this for the case of (small)
bisections. Here we describe two other problems, multiway cuts and 3-coloring.
(The latter was already solved by Edwards [Edw86].)
First we consider the k-terminal cut problem. Let δn denote the minimum
degree. Let OP T be the capacity of the optimum cut. Note that OP T ≤ kn,
since kn is an upperbound on the capacity of a cut in which k − 1 of the
terminals form singleton groups, while all other vertices form the remaining
group. The algorithm relies on the following lemma. Lemma 6.1. When k = o(n),
there is a k-cut of capacity (1 + o(1))OP T that has a special form: at most
2/δ groups of size Ω(n), and all other groups of size 1 (containing
only the terminals).Proof. Suppose S1 , S2 , . . . , Sk (sorted in decreasing
order by size) are the k groups in the optimum cut. Let an ordinary vertex be
one that in the optimum cut has at most 1/4 of its ≥ δn neighbors in
groups different from its own. Note that there are at most 4k/δ vertices
that are not ordinary. Let t be the number of groups with at least δn/2
vertices; note that t ≤ 2/δ. Consider the modified cut in which all
nonterminals from St+1 , . . . , Sk are moved to one of S1 , S2 , . . . , St .
We show that the capacity of this cut is at most (1 + o(1)) times the original
capacity; this will prove the lemma. Since each of St+1 , . . . , Sk has size
less than δn/2, they can only contain vertices that are not ordinary. Thus
they together contain at most 4k/δ vertices. Furthermore, the capacity of
the cut is at least k |Si | δn − ). (|Si | 2 2 i=t+1 Since |Si | =
O(k) = o(n), the second term is o() of the first term. Now consider moving
all nonterminals from St+1 , . . . , Sk to S1 , . . . , St ; this increases the
capacity of the cut by at most k |Si | , 2 i=t+1 which as already noted is
o() of
k i=t+1 (|Si | δn/2).
Now we describe the algorithm. Imagine fixing a k-cut of the type described in
Lemma 6.1 Let an ordinary vertex be one that has at most 1/4 of its ≥
δn neighbors in groups different 22
from its own. Let s be the number of nodes that are notordinary. Clearly, OP T
(1 + o(1)) ≥ sδn/4, thus implying s ≤ 4k(1 + o(1))/δ =
First we exhaustively try all k 2/δ ways of picking terminals that will go
into non-singleton groups. One of these ways will be correct. For each of the
placements, we try placing the nonterminals using exhaustive sampling. We pick
a random sample of O(log n) vertices and by exhaustively trying all partitions
of it (just as in the other algorithms), we can identify for each vertex the
group (if one exists) that contains more than 2/3 of its sampled neighbors, and
assign it to that group. The Sampling Lemma shows that this fails to place or
misplaces only vertices that are not ordinary, i.e., at most s vertices. Now
place each of the remaining vertices in the group that contains a plurality of
its neighbors. This gives almost the desired cut, except it may misplace s
vertices. Furthermore, if a misplaced vertex contributed x to the correct cut
(i.e., x of its neighbors were in another group) then it contributes at most x
+ s − 1 to our cut. Thus the cost of our cut is at most OP T (1 + o(1)) +
s . 2
Since OP T (1 + o(1)) ≥ sδn/4, and s = o(n), the cut has capacity OP
T (1 + o(1)). A similar PTAS can be designed for the problem without terminals,
where the goal is simply to find the best partition into k nonempty groups of
Random samplingalso gives a scheme for 3-coloring dense 3-colorable graphs.
Since this result replicates that of Edwards [Edw86], details are omitted. Let
the colors be 0, 1, 2. Initially, make all vertices uncolored. As before, we
pick a random sample of O((log n))/ǫ2 ) vertices and guess their colors. Let
us focus on the correct guess. With high probability, at least one neighbor of
every vertex is sampled and colored. Now observe that if a vertex has colored
neighbors of two different colors, its color is determined. So long as such a
vertex exists, color it. When we finish, each remaining uncolored vertex vi
has a neighbor with color ci and no neighbors of other colors. Now set up an
instance of 2-SAT as follows. Assign a variable xi to vertex vi that is true if
vi has color ci + 1 (mod 3) in the optimal coloring, and false otherwise (i.e.,
vi has color ci − 1 (mod 3)). For each edge (vi , vj ), add constraints
on the variables xi and xj that prevent vi and vj from having the same color.
Solve the 2-SAT instance in polynomial time, and extract an assignment of
colors from the assignment to the variable xi . Note that the algorithm can be
derandomized easily.
N P-completeness results
Thus far, we have described PTASs for dense instances of many N P-hard
problems. Now we show that computing optimal solutions in all these cases
remains N P-hard, justifying thesearch for approximation schemes. For MAX-SN P
type problems, it is usually easy to reduce non-dense instances to ǫ-dense
instances. MAX-CUT provides a good example. Suppose OPT is the optimum value of
the MAX-CUT problem on a graph G = (V, E). We add a (disjoint) complete graph
on n vertices to G. The new graph has E + n edges, and is 1/2-dense.
Furthermore, the new 2 optimum of MAX-CUT is OP T + n /2. Thus exact optimization
on the new instance is no 2 easier than exact optimization on the old instance.
A similar idea works for MAX-k-SAT, MAX-DICUT, etc.
Everywheredense BISECTION is also N P-hard. In fact, the standard reduction
that shows the N P-completeness of BISECTION produces such instances. It starts
from instances of MAX-50-50-CUT that have constant degree this is a known N
P-hard restriction of MAX-50-50-CUT and complements the graph to turn it into
an instance of BISECTION. The resulting instance is everywhere-ǫ-dense. Now we
indicate two problems for which denseness does not seem to help in designing
PTASs: dense instances of BISECTION and everywhere-dense instances of
MIN-VERTEXCOVER. We show that if the first problem has a PTAS that then there
is a PTAS for general instances of BISECTION (designing such a PTAS is a famous
open problem). This follows from the following reduction: Given any instance of
BISECTION with n vertices, addto it two disjoint cliques of size 2n each. The
resulting instance is 2/5-dense, but the capacity of the minimum bisection is
unchanged. Now we show that if there is a PTAS on everywhere-1/2-dense
instances of MIN-VERTEXCOVER, then P = N P. We rely on the result of [PY91,
ALM+ 92] that P = N P if there is a PTAS for MIN-VERTEX-COVER on the following
simple family of graphs: each of the n vertices has degree at most 5, and the
smallest vertex cover has size at least n/2. Notice that given such a simple
graph we can add a clique on n vertices to the graph and put a complete bipartite
graph between the original vertices and the new vertices. This raises the
degree of every vertex to n (so the graph becomes everywhere-1/2-dense) and
raises the size of the minimum vertex cover by exactly n. Thus a PTAS on the
resulting instance is a PTAS on the original instance.
We suspect that our technique of approximately reducing quadratic programs to
linear programs might be useful in non-dense instances of problems. Of course,
the exhaustive random sampling that underlies our work no longer suffices,
since an additive approximation is not good enough in that case. But some other
approximation method could plausibly replace it. If such an approximation
method can be found, it would probably also improve performance on dense instances,
by removing theerror due to the sampling lemma. Note that the error introduced
by the Raghavan-Thompson technique in our approximation algorithm is much
smaller than that introduced by the sampling step (the former error is an
additive term of O(n1.5 log n) in the case of quadratic programs; the latter
error is Ω(n2 )). Does a good approximation algorithm exist for general
BISECTION? What about an inapproximability result? Our results suggest how not
to try to prove inapproximability results. Recall that the standard way to
prove the N P-completeness of BISECTION uses the fact that 50-50 MAX-CUT is
just BISECTION on the complementary graph. Since 50-50 MAX-CUT on degree 5
graphs is MAX-SN P hard (and therefore has no PTAS), one is tempted to try to
use this connection to prove the MAX-SN P-hardness of BISECTION. This naive
idea does not work, since the complementary graph of a degree 5 graph is a
dense graph in which the minimum bisection has capacity Ω(n2 ). This
capacity swamps the gap (in the capacity of the optimum cut) of Θ(n)
present in the instance of 50-50 MAX-CUT, so the the MAX-SN P-hardness of
BISECTION does not follow. Of course, now we know an inherent reason why such
approaches are unlikely to succeed: BISECTION has a PTAS on dense graphs. To
conclude, we mention some recent research that extends or improves our work.
Arora, Frieze, and Kaplan [AFK96] extendour exhaustive sampling idea to design
additive approximation schemes for problems in which feasible solutions are
permutations (such as the 0-1 Quadratic Assignment problem). Frieze and Kannan
[FK96] and independently, Goldreich, Goldwasser, and Ron [GGR96] showed that
our techniques apply because of certain regularity properties in dense graphs,
and used this observation to design linear time additive approximation schemes
for most of the problems we have considered here. Frieze 24
and Kannan also point out connections to constructive versions of Szemeredis
Regularity Lemma.
We thank the anonymous referee for detailed comments that significantly
improved the presentation.
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