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Cuadro sinptico de grafos - Grafo Plano, Grafo conexo, Grafos, Grafos Isomorfos

Grafo Plano
Es aquel que se puede dibujar en un solo plano y cuyas aristas no se cruzan entre sí.
Grafo conexo
Es aquel en el que para cualquier par de vértices w, x, distintos entre sí existe un camino para ir de w a x
Camino: Es una sucesión de lados que van de un vértice X a un vértice W.
Circuito simple de longitud n: es aquel camino del vértice W al vértice W que solamente tiene un ciclo en la ruta que sigue.
Circuito (Ciclo): Es un camino que regresa al mismo vértice de donde salió.

Camino de Euler: Es aquel camino que recorre todos los vértices pasando por todas las ramas solamente una vez. Un camino de Euler debera iniciar y terminar en vértices de valencia impar.

Circuito de Euler: Es aquel ciclo que recorre todos los vértices pasando por todos los lados solamente una vez. Un grafo tiene circuito de Euler solamente si es conexo y todos sus vértices tienen de valencia par.
Circuito de Hamilton: Es aquel circuito que pasa por cada vértice solamente una vez.
La información de un grafo se puede recorrer de diferentes maneras tales como
Grafo Bipartido
Es aquel que esta compuesto por dos conjuntos de vértices A y B en donde los vértices del conjunto A se relacionan con los del B, pero entre los vértices de un mismo conjunto no existe arista que los una.Grafos de similaridad
Son aquellos que permiten agrupar información con características semejantes. Este tipo de grafos es útil en el reconocimiento de patrones, en donde se agrupa información con propiedades muy parecidas.

Grafos Isomorfos
Se dice que dos grafos G1 y G2 son isomorfos, cuando teniendo apariencia diferente realmente son iguales por que tienen mismo número de lados, vértices, mismo conjunto de valencias, ambos son o no conexos.
Grafos Ponderados
Son aquellos en donde las aristas se les asigna un valor al cual se le llama ponderación y que podría representar la distancia que hay de un nodo a otro, o bien el costo de transportarse de una ciudad a otra
Grafo Bipartido Completo
Es aquel grafo que esta compuesto por dos conjuntos de vértices, A y B, en donde cada vértice del conjunto A esta unido con todos los vértices de B, pero entro los vértices de un mismo conjunto no existe arista que los una.

3. Goals of the Tutorial
The purpose of this tutorial was to help software engineers understand and avoid common mistakes with case studies by giving them a solid grounding in the fundamentals of case studies as a research method. For researchers, our goal was to provide them a starting point for learning how to conduct case studies. When they return to their home institutions, they would be able to

find, assess, and apply appropriate resources in designing their studies. For reviewers, our goal was to providethem with guidance on how to judge the quality and validity of reported case studies. They would be able to use the criteria presented in this tutorial to assess whether research papers based on case studies are suitable for publication, allowing them to raise the quality of publications and give appropriate feedback to authors. For practitioners, our goal was to provide a better awareness of how to interpret the claims made by researchers about new software engineering methods and tools. We also aimed to offer practitioners deeper insights into the roles they can play in designing and conducting case studies in collaborative research projects, and the ability to read case studies more effectively and be better able to identify results suitable for use in their workplace.

4. Format and Curriculum
During this full-day tutorial, time was divided evenly between lecture and discussion. The lectures drew on our experience with empirical studies, research methodology texts, and papers from the software engineering literature. The tutorial covered a range of topics on the design and implementation of case studies. It started with issues common to all empirical studies, moved on to ones particular to case studies, and concluded with an examination of practical issues. The curriculum included the following topics. • Research Methodology o Strategies for Software Engineering Research o Approaches for Empirical Studies • Case Study Fundamentals o Exploratory Questions o Validation • Designing Case Studies o ResearchContext o Validity o Ethical Issues o Data Gathering and Analysis • Publishing Case Studies o Preparing Evidence o Elements of the Report • Reviewing Case Studies o Replication The primary text used for the tutorial was Case Study Methods 3/e, by Robert K. Yin [3]. This book is a respected resource on case studies and is widely cited both inside and outside software engineering. The lessons were reinforced by small group sessions where participants examined and discussed case studies that have been published in software engineering conferences and journals. The following papers, in our opinion, are exemplary research case studies:

Matthias M. Müller and Walter F. Tichy, “Case Study: Extreme Programming in a University Environment,” presented at Twenty-third International Conference on Software Engineering, Toronto, Canada, pp. 537-544, 12-19 May 2001. Carolyn B. Seaman and Victor R. Basili, “An Empirical Study of Communication in Code Inspections,” presented at Nineteenth International Conference on Software Engineering, Boston, MA, pp. 96-106, 17-23 May 1997. D.N. Card, V.E. Church, and W.W. Agresti, “An Empirical Study of Software Design Practices,” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 264-271, 1986. Sallie M. Henry and Dennis G. Kafura, “Software Structure Metric Based on Information Flow,” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 545-522, September, 1981. During the break-out sessions, the tutorial was divided into three discussion groups, each led byone of the instructors. These smaller groups increased the amount of interaction and allowed the material to be tailored to the students. [At time of writing, we were planning to have tracks for investigators, reviewers, and practitioners, however, this may change depending on the demographics of the tutorial attendees].

5. Conclusion
Case studies are an empirical method in their own right, with established design principles. Even for studies that are properly called case studies, there are often problems with selecting a unit of analysis, validity of results, data observation and collection. This tutorial sought to address these issues, because case study is a method that is wellsuited to software engineering. It is particularly appropriate when we seek to understand how and why technology is used or not used, functions or does not function in contemporary settings, and where we have little or no control over the variables. Our discipline can only be improved by the addition of high-quality, published cas
Complemento de un Grafo
Es aquel grafo que le falta al grafo G, para entre ambos formar un grafo completo de n vértices. Dicho grafo no tiene lazos ni lados paralelos.

Grafo Completo de n vértices
Es aquel grafo en donde cada vértice esta relacionad con todos los demas sin lazos ni lados paralelos.

Grafo Simple
Es aquel que no tiene lazos ni lados paralelos.

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