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Lack water in Mexico and the United States

Lack water in Mexico and the United States

The study, led by a scientist from NASA and the University of California, Los Angeles, investigates the interaction between the snowmelt in the basin of the river and the desert dust settles on it.
According to their findings, the spring thaw occurs now three weeks earlier than 150 years ago, when there was no settlement in the city that disturb the soil.
As a result, the proportion of annual thaw, on average, more than 5% lower than then.
To calculate this data, scientists used advanced hydrological models, and examined the impact of dust deposits related to human activity in the period between 1915 and 2003.
In addition, studied sediment cores from lakes in the region and found that the amount of dust that fell in the Rocky Mountains rose to between 500 and 600% in the late nineteenth century, when farms began to emerge in the region.

The scientists found that the snow loses its ability to reflect sunlight when combined with dust particles, and melt before setting the plants into the atmosphere and causing them to also lose water.
Specifically, they calculated that each year we lose 993 cubic decimeters in this process of exhalation, enough to supply Los Angeles for 18 months.
This could have 'hugeimplications' for the 27 million people living in the two states of Mexico (Baja California and Sonora) and in seven United States (Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Wyoming and California through which flows the River.

Gandhi's example

Gandhi is a great character, not its size but for its value as a person and the greatness of his soul. Always fought for peace and led a movement that won independence for his country peacefully, without using weapons.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi born in Porbandar, India, in the year 1869. It was a noble boy, dressed in an elegant way. He divided his time between school and home, his life went quiet except for the ghosts. The little I was so scared that in order to drive them away, every night fervently recited hymns of the Hindu religion.

Since he was seven years old, his parents planned their wedding: Mohandas marry a girl of noble family. This is because in Hindu culture and are used. Thus, at thirteen had to marry Kasturbai Makanji who proved to be a caring and faithful wife. Four years later, had their first child.

At 17, he traveled to England to study the legal profession. It was not difficult to adapt to life in this country, learned the language and came to adapt to some of their customs, however, had a problem: In aplace where most food is meat, it was very difficult to be vegetarian.

Moreover, in this country, some theologians asked to read a sacred Hindu text called the Bhagavad-Gita in its original language. One of the ideas of this reading changed forever the way they act: 'The man is carried away by the attraction to material things and unable to give up their wishes, he loses his spirit and his own being.


Candidates fail the test

We are suffering the dismal performance of the authorities at all levels of government because we have failed to select them. This has been leading to a total insecurity, incompetence, corrupt enrichment and inexplicable, considering that at any moment we have implemented the recruitment prubebas the rulers and servants. Because that are being: Village employees.

These search-chamber they lack discretion and common sense, because they have been chosen from a clique of self-anointed Poland, supported by very expensive advertising campaigns that fall into our pocket. We are paying dearly for being poorly managed and governed. And it is not enough to vote, simply because there is nothing to choose from.

How is it possible that an employee of a maquiladora is made complicated psychological screening tests, and technical capacity togive a paltry minimum wage job? So, why even a candidate for public servant is not applying the same standards, if we come up costing a millionaire? If selections are made to improve plant and animal species, why not apply this technology to the leaders and servants of the people?

It should begin a campaign of social restructuring based on the selection of the fittest. They have been given much power to people unfit to take foolish decisions that affect us severely. They have the intellectual capacity or moral values, not physical and mental health, and also lack of emotional balance with wisdom and discretion to direct the destinies of a dependency, let alone those of a nation. The vast majority are addicted to alcohol, snuff, drugs, or their family life is a mess. And if someone wants to contradict me, I show it with an anti-doping.

IRS Warns About New E-Mail Scams

CALIFORNIA - The Internal Revenue Service today warned taxpayers about the latest versions of a scam e-mail or 'e-mail' with intent to deceive people into believing they are being investigated by the Investigation Division criminal agency.

The e-mail claiming to come from the IRS Criminal Investigation falsely states that the person is being considered criminally for filing a false tax to the Franchise TaxBoard, (department of revenue) in the State of California. The e-mail seeks to convince people into going to a link provided for more information about the complaint against him. The IRS warned people that the link to e-mail is a malicious code known as a Trojan Horse that can take over the hard disk of the computer of the person allowing a third party remote access to computer files.

The IRS urged people not to enter the link in the e-mail.

Similar variations suggest a customer has filed a complaint against a company and the IRS can act as arbitrators. The latest versions appear aimed both at business taxpayers as well as individual taxpayers.

The IRS does not send e-mails without being requested or requesting personal information or financial information. In addition, the IRS never asks for PIN numbers of people, access codes or other secret information to access your credit card account, bank or other financial accounts.
'Everyone should be alert to these scammers,' said Kevin M. Brown, Acting IRS Commissioner. 'Always exercise caution when receiving e-mail that has not requested or e-mail messages from those who do not know.'
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